Selfie time.

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Connors pov:

I turn to see Kian try to kiss Melissa but get rejected. I laugh and turn to jc "Thats the best thing I've seen all day." "I know. how did this happen?" I shrug and look over my shoulder to see Victoria looking at the nature sitting by herself. "I'll be back." He nods.

Jc's pov:

"I'll be back." Connor tells me. I nod and turn to see where he's going. I look and see him heading towards Victoria. Okay this can't happen. I like her. I mean as much as you can like a person you just met. I just feel like we'd be good for each other. I don't know.

Victoria's pov:

I like these scenes. I'm all by myself but that's okay, I like the quiet. I hear crunching behind me and turn to see Connor approaching. "May I join?" He asks "I suppose..." I say in a sarcastic tone. "It's beautiful here." He tells me. "Ya I'm actually glad we got lost." I say taking in the beauty. "Being with you makes it even more gorgeous." He turns to look at me. "Connor..." I try to say but he cuts me off. "Look Victoria, we need to talk. When you kissed me earlier i felt something. I know you say it meant nothing but I can't help but think you felt it ,too." I look down. "I'm honestly not sure Connor." I reply. "Well i guess theres only one way to find out." He leans in and gently takes my face between his hands. He connects my lips to his and our lips move in sync. There is passion behind this kiss and I feel sparks. I pull away even though I really don't want to and he just looks at me. "I guess I know what you mean. I feel it too." I tell him while looking straight into his hazel eyes. "I'd like to get to know more about you." He says to me. "Ya I'd like that. It'd be perfect." We sit there for a while asking each other simple questions. He grabs my hand and i look down at them inner twined and just look into the distance and sit there and take in nature for a while. He breaks the silence by saying "Do you mind if we take a selfie?" "I was thinking the same thing." I tell him. We turn around so the scenery was in the background and posed. We took one for his ig of just us smiling. He posted It with the caption, "Having an amazing day with this beautiful girl so far. Can't wait for many more." Then we took one for mine. I smiled but right before I snapped it he kissed my cheek. I turned to him "You butt." he just smiled. I posted it with the caption, "who would have thought it would actually be really nice to be lost. Great day with him☺." We turn and see that Ricky and Megan seem to be hitting it off. "So basically..." I say dragging it out. "Megan and Ricky are like bffs, Taylor and Trevor have already had a couple make out sessions, Kian likes Melissa but got rejected, and we're this." Connor turns "Ya I'd say that escalated quickly.

Connors pov:

This day has been absolutely perfect. "Victoria, I'm really glad you guys decided to come." I tell her. "Ya me too." we sit there for a while then

she breaks the silence. "Connor thank you for a great day." "Of course." I respond. I look at her beautiful green eyes and lean in. Right before our lips connect we hear a voice. "Hey guys, umm turns out the GPS was just acting up and I do know where we are." lee says from the bus. "What?" Victoria looks at me. I turn to her "I'm glad it did. I wouldn't trade this day for anything." She starts to blush, smiles and looks at the ground. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Awe. That's so cute but wtf. That's weird. Not all the chapters will be like this I promise. Please comment, follow, vote, and tell ur friends.

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