Charming Blue

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The soft footsteps pit and patter on the floor and light shines in from the open windows as giggles and funny screams echo into the house. A faint smell of wobbly salty eggs and the sweet and sour grease is leaking out.
It was the year 2201, and Cross Zenice was making the 'old' version of bacon and eggs for her adopted little sister, Sera Zenice. It was one of those quiet and peaceful mornings where Cross let Sera out instead of teaching her more water magic, which was Sera's power as a Mystic. Cross beamed adoringly at the thought of Sera being as strong as Mimira, the famous magic teacher, and adventurer. Cross smiled greatly and went back to working on the breakfast. Sera quietly went inside and got on a small flat stool near the floor- and when she sat on it, the stool floated up to the counter.

"Cross!" Sera exclaimed-her little grin showing on her face as she smells her food.
"Sera, good morning." Cross chimes as she serves the breakfast that she made.
"I have to go grab some books from the library, do you want to stay home or come with me?" Cross asked Sera as she poked her eggs. Sera looked up at Cross and thought about it, then nodded furiously at Cross.
"Eat your food and then put on some more decent clothes, okay?" Cross reminded Sera, who gave her a thumbs up and started devouring her food quickly.
"Are we taking the pod or are we walking?" Sera asked-food still in her mouth." Cross wiped Sera's mouth and then cringed at the thought of walking. Poor Cross had somehow got the Princess' attention, and she was attacked in the middle of the day while searching for some stuff for Sera. Now, whenever Cross goes out, she either gets attacked by the Princess or the noble ladies start whispering around.

"We're taking the pod..." Sera nodded again and quickly gulped down her breakfast and rushed to her room to put on her shoes and clothes. Cross finished her breakfast after Sera-and got up to put on her boots, braided her dark hair, and slipped on her boots. Sera bustled down the hallway as she stared up at Cross with a small brown jacket, small shorts, and red shoes. Cross took Sera's hand in hers and their door opened magically as they stepped outside their house. Cross led Sera, who was looking around, to a giant egg-shaped pod that floated magically towards them. Looking back, their house was literally floating in the air as the same with the rest of the houses. They were surrounded in a giant bubble, basically- and Sera had commented that "It looks like Christmas ornaments!" So the small nine-year-old girl named their street, 'Christmas Street.' Their neighbors thought it was cute, and nobody really minded it.
The egg pod opened up its doors, and Cross stepped inside with Sera while sitting down and looking outside. Sera was especially captivated as the pod shut it's doors and flew up, showing the beautiful scenery of Panerima, their home, and the capital. Cross smiled at Sera on the outside, but on the inside, she really just wanted to get to the library and go back as quickly as possible to avoid human contact. While thinking of many ways to escape possible talking encounters, the pod abruptly stopped and Sera looked around.

The doors of the pod opened to a very busy street that was littered with people scattered around. Shops were placed neatly around the area- and stalls were in a giant circle in the middle of the street- so if you wanted a drink from another stall, you could just look around and set up your signal to ask the person to get a drink for you. Sera was about to run out and get trampled to death by many people- but at the last moment Cross caught her and glared at her teasingly.
"Cross~!" Sera whined as she was held back by the taller and tanned older girl.
"Sera, you can't do that! You'll get stepped on and then we have to go to the clinic..." Sera pouted at Cross' statement and she took Cross' hand again. They stepped out onto the busy street and Cross dashed around- holding Sera's hand tightly so she wouldn't get lost while she was running around the streets. After a few minutes of running around the place- the library was in front of them.

It was a bit weird for people that had a ton of technology, to still have books. The reason was simple. Some things couldn't be copied on a device that easily, and more information could be held in the book than just a few simple pages slapped on that you have to buy. Cross preferred going there anyways due to the silent atmosphere and the nice smell of books. Entering the library, Sera looked around amazed and walked up to a machine.
"Cross, what is this?" She pointed to a small machine that glowed softly light blue. Cross looked over at what Sera pointed at and she smiled.
"Well... You first say your name, and then you scan your eyes in this spot!" Cross answered. Cross repeated her first and last name- and then she scanned her eyes into a little slot on the front of the machine- Sera jumped up happily- and for some reason, the machine reacted in some sort of way, but that's how it usually was, so Cross brushed it off quickly.
"Then," Cross paused, "You say what kind of book you want, and It'll grab it from anywhere on Earth!"
Sera's eyes shone with happiness as she looked at the machine, intrigued. Cross thought about it- then said,
"A High-level Mystic Spell book."
Then- it felt like a pang of nostalgia hit her straight in the head. Everything swarmed around her head- and a feeling of hitting something really hard, and screams echoed, etching themselves into Cross's brain.

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