The murder of the child

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There are many stories out there, stories of spooky ghosts, and battles over pride, prejudices, journeys that offer more than your imagination can see. However, this story is one of my favorites and continues to live in my mind, it is just waiting to be written and read by a curious mind that it is intrigue and has heard it in his younger years. I am quite sure that many will remember this story because it lives among us but it is not a regretful memory but a comical one.


As I remember correctly, a young international boy had just move to the United States and was about to enter elementary school. He was not quite pleased about the decision but he was just 7 years old, more or less. His mind was far more ahead than his age but he was still figuring things out. He liked his home country and he remembers the traditions and his family quite fondly, and he wished he could go back there because he was comfortable with his language and he liked his small town life. Although it was not possible for him to go back and it made him sad at times, but he only cried when he was most alone. He kept his pride like his dad, yet he was scare of the dark. The dark was a troublesome world to him but he was also curious about it. Even though he was not happy to be brought to the United States, there where still a few things that he was glad to scape, he got a second chance to change that way he was. He was most happy in leaving that school, which was, known by everyone to be haunted, but where the most stories rejoiced was in the boys' restroom. An opening was in that restroom covered by a square piece of wood, nobody knew where it lead to, and nobody that wanted to know where it lead to ever came out and told the secrets behind that opening. Curiosity always arouse from that opening when the young little boy went to that restroom but his fear of dark places kept him out, it kept everyone out of the idea of getting into that opening. He never quite got to figure out what was inside that opening, he never got the courage to do so, even with all that pride he still couldn't. Soon after arriving to the United States, he started school. Shortly after that he soon came to know that the story and his fear of secret places where almost no one goes in and no one knows their purpose for it, didn't left him at all.

First Day in a Foreign Language

The boy's first day was quite a blow to the face because he felt that his whole life was being shredded into tiny strips, in which he was one strip out of a million. Throughout the entire school day, he observed quietly and was quite intimidated by the students, the class teacher and his personal teacher that was teaching him the English language. His language teacher as we will call her, was a beautiful young woman just starting off her career, she was patient with the young boy and her personality was quite cheerful. The young boy's language teacher was the only teacher he understood and was always happy to see and learn with her, but after awhile she started disappearing and left the young boy to tackle the immersive cultural army of his class and their leader, the class teacher. He was so shock at first that he retracted back to his first stage of isolation and didn't talk to no one at all. Later on, he became more comfortable with his classmates and his teacher, he got to observed his new world and study their behavior. When the time came for the other students to let the young boy know the secrets of their school, they knew it would be the right time.

A place where you don't belong

It was a cloudy day in the late fall, those days where the thought of raining can certainly trick you. The trees had a few leaves left in their branches, naked they stood in that cloudy day. The young kids where just waiting for winter to start and bring the joyful days and jolly stomachs into their homes. The young boy, however, was still investigating this new culture of his. The class was at full swing; the young boy enters and got to work on his activities that were designed for him to learn sentence structure. When the bell rang signaling the teacher that it was time for lunch and that the kids where going to get all-frantic as soon as they heard that bell because they had been psychologically trained to wait for the bell. The young boy felt the urge to leave as soon as he could because he wanted to go to the restroom and so he did but he took the wrong path. You see, there was only one restroom in the second floor of that building and it was on the far right of the hallway. He never saw anyone of his peers go into that restroom not even any brave teacher there but to him it was far more important to release the liquids he was carrying. He was walking to the far right of the hallway towards the restroom when he heard a shout " Hey kid, where are you going?" The boy responded with only one of the few words he could say right in English " To the restroom" he replied. The young boy who shouted was Charlie, one of the young boy's new friends, they had just met a couple of days ago and he was a noble friend. Charlie replied to the young boy "Don't go there!" curiously the young boy turned around and asked Charlie "Why not? I need restroom," replied the young boy with his broken English. Then after that Charlie knew he had to tell him the story of the haunted restroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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