They have showed you the world but they haven't showed you how to live

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You breathe not thinking someone will come and take your breath away
You speak not realizing you can hurt an entire nation with a single word
You see the world in your own perspective
Through a convex lens
While others look at it through a kaleidoscope of colors that you have yet to discover
You walk this earth not knowing your destination,
letting life take its course,
hoping it'll find you a home, a place for your searching soul
You touch with your fingers and hands not realizing you can touch with your heart, with your smile, with your voice
You hear with your eardrums when you should listen with your soul
Make out not only the voices but the feelings, the sadness, the sorrow, the joy
You love, not knowing that one day your heart will be broken
Shattered into innumerable pieces
And love will feel like poison through your veins

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