Chapter 9: Unexpected Visitor

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As I hovered over the toilet, still overtaken by the nausea, I questioned how Fi was able to do that without getting sick. I rewarded myself with a face palm when I remembered how tight I was squeezing Fionna throughout the whole ride on the mangy cat- Not cool... Oh well, revenge will be sweet when I'm a vampire again.

As soon as it settled, I stripped myself of my shirt and thanked glob that I was able to finally rest from the stressful day. That was until I heard something bang from downstairs.

"Hm.." This didn't feel right, not only did it leave a wave of paranoia in my stomach, but I knew it couldn't be someone friendly. "Fi? Is that you?" I called down my ladder.

No answer. This definitely didn't feel good.

I grabbed my axe and descended carefully. It was dark, but that only made it worse. I couldn't see in the darkness and every shadow casted only made my stomach churn more.

The front door was open, swaying slightly in the wind that should be impossible in the cave, but I closed it gently and went back to searching for the intruder. I didn't have to look much longer because suddenly the room brightened from the lamp with a boy calmly sitting down on my couch.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and immediately backed away. "W-what are you doing here?"

He leaned forward, placing his hands together. "Why hello to you too, Marshall Lee Abadeer. It's been a while since we last seen each other." He shifted from side to side. "You should really think about replacing this couch. It's terribly lumpy."

In front of me stood none other than Lukas Petrovic... The son of the Vampire King I killed. His crimson eyes burned with such intensity of revenge that if looks could kill, I'd be dead already. His long raven hair swayed in front of his eyes barely hiding the killer cat-like eyes of the man that looked to be my age. His toothy grin told me that he was here for business... and that business had to deal with impaling me.

"How did you find me?" I asked, slinking farther away.

"Tsk, tsk. You really think it was hard? I've always knew where you stayed. It was just a question of when I would strike. I have allies." His grin grew wider. "Did you really think you could get away with what you did to my father?"

"I needed to end the war between our two kinds and that was the only way!" 

"You took what was rightfully mine!" He stood up suddenly and stalked closer to me. 

"You knew it was bound to happen, it was either my mom or your dad! Can you blame me for saving my own?" I questioned, gripping my axe tighter.

"Yes!" He hissed.

"I drank his blood to stop you. If you took over, the war would've continued. I never wanted to be King, but I did what I had to do for peace! 

Lukas drew closer, scraping my cheek with one of his long finger nails. "And I'm doing what I need to do to regain the position I deserved. I'm going to enjoy drinking the red out of your body."

I pushed him away and swung my axe in his direction only managing to cause a cut slicing around his shoulder blade. "Don't you think this is enough? It's been centuries!"

 He hissed.

"I say when enough is enough!" He lunged towards me, drawing a dagger at the last moment.

I barely had enough time to duck when he tried stabbing at my chest. I flung my axe upwards nailing him with an uppercut with the hilt. He sailed backwards with a groan, but he definitely wasn't down for the count. I was only human for Gob's sakes!

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