Chapter 9: Secret's Out

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Chapter 9: Secret's Out

Somewhere in Germany, most likely on a Base: Date Unknown, 1942, Log Entry #460;

"YEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!" I yelled as I was brought back to the land of the living by a strong electric shock. As I gasped for breath trying to get my systems back into working order, I heard a voice coming over an intercom with a heavy German accent in English. "Ve are sorry for ze rough treatment vister Smith, vut ve needed to transport you vithout any trouble. I hope you slept vell, because you von't be getting much over ze next couple days."

I opened my eyes to find I had been strapped to an interrogation room chair and there was a one-way mirror across the wall in front of me. I looked to my left and saw a man clad in black behind a table covered in torture tools of all sized and shapes. I rolled my head back to front and said in German, "You can stop using that horrible accent sir, I can understand you better if you speak in the language we both can understand. I don't mean to sound rude, but your English could use some work."

"Oh." his surprised voice came over the intercom in German, "Very well, I agree with your request, but I would suggest a bit more respect, the High General himself is present for the interrogation. He will not be as forgiving as I."

I nodded as best I could, "Understood. Would you mind putting someone in here for me to talk to directly? The whole speaking to a wall thing is kind of disconcerting."

I heard some shuffling over the intercom, and a familiar voice came over the system, "We will be the ones asking the questions," Tati's voice said in an angry tone, "You are the enemy and will not be given any quarter unless you give us the information we want." I heard her sniff, "Americans, arrogant pigs more like."

As the interrogator's voice came back over the system, I could tell he was a bit flustered by Tati's tone, but he soon shook it off, "Well, ahem, now that that's over, we can begin the interrogation. What was your method of transport to Germany?"

"I jumped out of your mother's pants." I said. A burst of electricity surged through me and I gasped as every muscle in my body clenched.

"That was a warning." came the man's voice over the speaker, "Every lie will be punished with a large shock and each subsequent one will increase the voltage. Now, let us try this again. How did you get here?"

"I crashed my plane off the coast and used my chute to coast in the rest of the way." I waited for the shock but instead he asked the next question.

"Why did you crash your plane instead of destroy it on landing?" he asked.

"My plane was a newer model and I didn't want it to get into enemy hands, busted or not." It was close enough to the truth that I hoped they wouldn't figure out I was hiding information. The large shock told me otherwise.

"We are not interested in listening to you flap your gums for no good reason." he said with a temper, "Miss Hisloff is one of the best lie-detector agents we have, so even hiding information behind a half-truth will not fool her. I suggest you stick to the full truth or you won't last long. Now, I'll ask again. Why did you crash your plane?"

"Because it had technology on board that could change the outcome of the war." I said, "I knew if it fell into enemy hands the Allies would lose the war."

"And how do you know this, Mister Smith?" he asked with obvious interest, "How can you be sure it would make the Allies lose the war?"

I looked up and laughed, "You and Tati must be cut from the same cloth, I told her the same thing I'm going to tell you. You won't believe me."

"You told me that you are from the U.S.S. Washington Naval Fighters and that you came here to avenge your comrade," Tati said over the system, "I don't see what there is not to believe. And don't call me Tati, American." She spat out the word like it left a bad taste in her mouth.

I shook my head, still laughing, "You guys have no clue. If I had told you what my real secret was, you would have shot me because I would sound like a lunatic."

"We'll decide if you're crazy or not," a deep, gruff voice said over the intercom, "Now tell us, what is the big secret you think will be so astounding?"

I looked right through the center of the mirror, into what I hoped was Tati's face, and said, "I busted my plane because my entire crew and ship are from the year 2012 and our technology would give the Axis Powers a huge advantage if it got into their hands. Our ship was traveling through a part of the Atlantic called The Bermuda Triangle when our ship must have gone through a time rift. We came back to port in the year 1942 and were drafted into active duty immediately upon arrival. We've been shooting down fighters and other planes for months now, slowly thinning out your Air Force until you can't stop the Allies from attacking with their forces. Even if we had not come back from the future, we already know the Allies win the war, we only want to make it happen quicker." I took a deep breath and asked in my most polite voice, "Any other questions?"

My only answer was another shock, powerful enough to knock me out. The last thing I heard was, "No, no more questions."

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