Night of the Vampires

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Several years have passed since Lucinda became a big sister, she now has full control of her magic abilities now a high school student at True Cross Academy and a prefect along with her younger sister and friend Yuki and Zero. She must defend the day class students that don't know the truth of the night class but the three prefects and the headmaster are the only ones that know of it.

Now standing guard and the first prefect to show up at the front of the moon dorm is are main woman Lucinda Rose oldest adopted daughter of headmaster Cross and last witch of her family.Trying to push back the day class students that await the night class and almost failing when she hears her sister.

"I'm so sorry Lucy I woke up late again" Yuki said nervously hoping not to be scolded by Lucinda again 

"It's fine Yuki but hurry up and help me I can't hold them off forever" Lucy snapped a little with a small glare that would even make a vampire shiver, almost immediately Yuki got to work  while some of the day class students flinched back

By the time Yuki had started to push back the day class the night class was ready to come out so the Cross sisters had to quickly get the girls of the day class situated but when they turned to look at the doors then back at the day class students they immediately took polite lines that left a lane in the middle for the night class students to walk threw when the famous Aiduo broke it by shooting fake love bullets with his finger and Yuki was soon thrown down by the force the day class students used and she looked up at Zero who finally showed up 

"ALL OF YOU NEED TO GO TO THE DORMS" he yelled out at the day class students and immediately they all ran away to the dorms for day class students

Laughing nervously at the way Yuki was punching Zero and then him pushing her back she noticed the night class has yet to move to class

"You should be going to class its starting soon and I don't feel like forcing all of you to go" she said fiercely with a small glare that was returned with a small amount of fear from some of the night class while Ruka was the only one other than Kaname not afraid of her 

"And how exactly are you going to force us" she retorted to the young witch who almost instantly waved her hand in the air creating a green magic circle and the tension grew and the two would've all out fought till one wasn't moving when both attacks were canceled on both sides 

"Ruka stop this instant you know she is the last witch of the family that once served lord Kaname" dorm vice president Ichijo said in a slight scolding tone while Lucinda was grabbed by both Zero and Yuki 

"Calm down sister we can't hurt them" Yuki said while Zero started to drag her to the headmasters office while Yuki stayed behind apologizing to the night class for her older sisters temper and offence 

While dragging his friend away Zero grew slightly annoyed that she never told him about her family being in the service of the Kurans "why didn't you tell me the Rose witches were in service with vampires" he snapped at  her making her flinch

"Because no witch wants to be in service with those monster but because the Kurans saved my family back to the beginning of the Rose witch line we were indebted to them, but even though other witch families warned my ancestors that when a witch becomes involved with the beasts in human form that it will eventually become our down fall" she said in a mournful way while tears run down her face 

"It's not like I want to be in service to that bastard but I have to follow my families wishes to the end of my life Zero" she yelled before running the rest of the way to the headmasters office leaving Zero behind to think about what she said and immediately regretted the fact that he snapped at her and making her relive the fact that a lot like himself she was the last of her lineage 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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