Red's nightmare

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Red hadn't wanted anyone to ever find out about his bladder issues. He was extremely embarrassed by it thinking to himself why did this happen to me.  He hadn't wanted blue to find out either. He knew that blue would tell the others. He knew he would be teased for it by the others which made him whimper to himself.    Blue had came back in red's room as he said I won't tell anyone else but you have to answer a few questions and try a few things for me.     Red had nodded as he didn't trust his voice at the moment.   Blue had then asked how long has this been going on?  Red shakily answer a fe-few y-y-years.   Blue hummed in response as he then asked why didn't you tell me?  Red looked down as he cried I was scared too.    Blue asked gently why would you be scared to tell me?   Red cried softly hiccuping I d-didn't want to be ma-ma-made fun o-of or anything else. He had also cried I-I don't want anyone to know as he rubbed his eyes.  Blue whispered softly as he said I swear nobody will make fun of you for something that you can't control as he pulled him into a tight embrace.  He then said we're going to try a few things to see if anything will help you as he wrapped him up into a blanket

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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