Chapter II

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                                                        When I woke up Annabeth was shaking me, she saw a spider and was trying to get help, I sat up, gave her a hug, then walked over and squashed the spider.    A minute later Luke and Thalia came over and asked what the little girls were doing, Annabeth explained what had happened when she woke up.     Luke and Thalia came over and hugged Annabeth and me. 

                            "Come on guys we have to get going," Luke said. 

                                                        They broke camp and headed off to a hideout, Annabeth and I got new clothes. Then sat and talked for a little bit, while Luke and Thalia talked about what we are going to do. They asked me if I knew where I lived, I told them, 

                           "The Gods will take me home you don't have to worry about that, the Gods have a satyr coming for you to take you to safety."

                            "Wait!" Luke said. "Why would the Gods care about us, we are just kids who ran away from home." 

                              "I don't know," I said. "The Gods just told me where I was going and what I would do, but I can feel the presence of some powerful demigods." 

                                "You can feel the presence of demigods?" Thalia asked.

                                "What is a demigod?" Annabeth asked. "I can't explain I don't even know really, but when the sator finds you I will be sent home." 

                                                        I wished I could tell them the answers to their questions but I didn't know. 

                                "You will be sent home, as in I won't see you again?" Annabeth asked.

                                 "Have a feeling Annabeth that I will see you again soon after I leave not sure when, but soon."

                                                        I was trying not to make Annabeth cry, I wasn't sure about much but I was sure about one thing, I would not see one of them again for a long time. We set off on foot just going where Luke said he had a feeling about.

               (Now I know what you thinking how am I gone without my parents calling the cops, well I don't even know the Gods told me they would take care of it.

                                                      We had a lot of adventures but it would take ten books to write them all down so Ill tell the most important ones.   

                                                  One time a few days after I told them about the satyr Luke said he had to go home to do something.     He led us to his house it was a nice little place with a big front yard with a view of a highway, he told us to stay outside.      He went inside and came out with tears in his eyes a few minutes later. Thalia looked worried but Luke insisted he was fine and that we should move on. I agree that we should keep moving before anything happens. 

                                               We headed north and saw this kid who was on crutches he had shaggy hair and kept looking around like he was nervous, he sat at a coffee shop sipping a coffee at an outside table. I walked to him Luke tried to grab my arm but I was too fast, and of course, when I went Annabeth went with. 

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