kid x Oc!BaeBae

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The girl up top is my Oc.
BaeBae's POV

This will be my first day at the DWMA. I'm so nervous. What if people think I look ugly or they make fun of me? I shake in fear and check my mirror. I look at my makeup and see a small smug on my purple lipstick. I stare in horror and wipe it off and fix it. Everything else on me was perfect. My long purple and red hair was flowing down perfectly and my top was perfectly even along with my mini skirt. All the pokadots were in order along with the stars on the straps of my top.

"Ok I look ok for now. I wonder what others will think." I say to myself and walk through the doors.

There were many people in the halls. They were staring at me and whispering. They gave me a lot of looks. I blush and look down as to make eye contact. Bad idea BaeBae. I bump into someone and fall to the floor. I look at the person I accidently bumped into. I blush even more then I was. He was lord death's son.

"O-oh my!! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" I say very embarrassed.

"It's fine. I should have looked where I was going. Are you ok mi-." He stops and looks at me.

My blush gets worse. Out of no where he grabs both my hands and stares into my eyes.

"You are the most symmetrical thing I have ever seen in my entire life! Your highlights are perfect on each side, your lipstick is spread perfectly on your lips, your skin shines so perfectly, your eyebrows are perfectly arched, there is not a single rinckle in your clothing, and your eyelashes have the same even count of lashes. To bass in your beauty is to see an angel from heaven." He says getting a nose bleed.

The more and more he talks the more I blush. It was very embarrassing to have him say such things to me. Sure he's the son of death but he's kinda creeping me out right now.

"Umm. Can you please let me go? I have to get my schedule for today." I say getting up off the floor.

"Of course my fair madam. Allow me to show you where to get your schedule." He says grabing my hand and walking me too a room.

He was smiling the entire time as blood rushed from his nose. I sigh and grab a tissue from my pocket and give it to him. He wipes his nose and throws the tissue away in a near by trash can. When we make it to the room he was taking me to he opens the door and I see lord death himself. I stare wide eyed.

"Hello kid. Is this your friend? She looks very pretty." Lord Death says in a kinda funny voice.

"No father. She is a new student and she needs her schedule." Kid says.

"What is your name young lady?" Death asks me.

"I-its BaeBae." I say.

Kid then falls to the floor.

"Even your name is symmetrical! Oh you are indeed an angel!" He says with tears in his eyes.

"Uhh. Is he always like this?" I ask.

"Only when he sees something symmetrical." Death says.

I nod. This is gonna be a weird school year for me.


After about 4 months of being in this school I have made nice friends. Kid is one of them since he admired how symmetric I look. It was kinda cute how he treated me like a goddess. I loved the attention from him a long with the attention of many boys. Especially Soul and Black Star. They would flirt about how nice I dressed. It was kinda nice. Halloween is tomorrow and we get to wear out costumes at school for it. I think I should go as something that would scare the life outta kid. An asymmetrical monster. It will be so funny. I get my costume ready. I was gonna shave the side of my head put a star on one cheek and put 4 different shades of lipstick on.

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