Chapter One

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Hey strangers!! I'm Alexandria, you can call me Alley though. I am still in the process of writing this story, so if you finish reading chapter one and wonder where the rest is...well it's being written! 


"Yeah, it was a tragedy. I guess...she seemed cool!" One of the girl's said around the room, I wasn't paying too much attention to her. I zoned out too much, but even more after what had happened. "I just think she was insecure. How can someone be so dumb..." This boy mentioned, "Hey. No negative comments." The teacher said to him. I glanced in his direction as the boy snickered, "Do you know how hard this is?!" I asked him, as he kept a blank face. "Do you?!" I waited, "Do you REALLY know. Have you ever lost someone by suicide?" I waited again, everyone was silent. "That's what I thought. You haven't, you probably never will and you are fucking lucky." The teacher interrupted, "Language!" I nodded and then let him continue his speech, over nothing he knew anything about, "Thank you everyone for your input. I'm sure you all are grieving this very hard subject. Now let's open our textbooks to page one." That was my speech class. I did enjoy it, but I don't enjoy Jeremy. He just has too much to say and sometimes he needs his ass whooped! As speech class ended, we were assigned a page of homework, then I proceeded to my locker. I overheard these girls talking about Her... "Did you hear?" One said. "No way! That's tragic. Oh my..." Another replied. I listened to these completely ignorant teenagers gossiping about her suicide, I slammed my locker door and they all gasped. "Jesus! That was excessive?!" One of the girls mentioned, so I instantly replied, "No. What is excessive is when you three, ignorant bitches...gossip about my best friend. You all know damn well I was standing right there." I paused as I watched their reactions, "That's what's excessive." 


The bell rang for fifth period, so I headed that way. Eyes were on me and I paid no attention to any, I knew they were feeling sorry for me and that was one thing I hated the most. Pity. My phone was already constantly vibrating with overwhelming texts and emails from family and friends-even acquaintances. I turned my ringer off. "Take it from someone who has been through a LOT. And I mean A LOT!" Mr. Graves spoke to one of his students. Most of my teachers were men and most of those men had huge egos too, that's for damn sure. "Why did she do it though?" A girl asked him and he glanced to his clock to see what time it was-we had a half hour remaining. "Why hasn't no one asked me?" I muttered under my breath and everyone who was listening in on the conversation, turned around and focused on me. "What was that?" The teacher asked curiously, I smirked. "I knew this was going to happen."  I thought to myself.  "I was her best friend and every single one of you are pretending like I wasn't." They all chuckled to my response, "Might I remind all of you-especially you-we are all grieving today, tomorrow and will do so every time we see her, speak of her and remember her..."

-Six Weeks Ago-

"Have you seen that movie...ugh shit...what's the name of that damn movie!" She said to me as we were both watching our favorite television series-Pretty Little Liars. "No I haven't seen that movie." I replied. "Ha. Ha. Shut up Annalise! I'm over here trying to think." She shook her head and smiled. "OHHH. I got it! It was...uhh...The Lovely Bones. Such a great movie! Have you ever watched it?!" She asked me and I shook my head no. "You have never seen The Lovely Bones. That movie is a classic." I nodded to her, "What's it about?" I asked her. "Too much to explain, but it has Mark Wahlberg in it. HE IS A BABE!" I laughed, "Then what was the point of asking me if you're not going to tell me!" I chuckled to her response, "Just out of curiosity is all. We have to watch it together at some point."  I nodded and then she continued to eat her portion of the popcorn we made for the show. 


We never watched that movie together. I made my way home, I only lived a few blocks down from my high school so I knew it was not too far of a walk. I still couldn't believe that Gina was gone. I missed her so much. I remember this one time we were hanging out at her house and her Father walked in, he yelled from the kitchen-"Hey Gina! Come here you dumb ass." I turned towards Gina, we were sitting in her room and the door was closed. She looked terrified. I knew she tried to act as if she was positive all of the time, so she pretended that she wasn't scared, "Yes, Father?" She proceeded to ask. "Come out here now." I glanced at the shut door and then back to her, she looked at me with something in her eyes and I just knew something bad was going to happen but I stayed put. She kept the door cracked a bit as she walked out and back down the hallway from her room. I heard muttering and it was too quiet, so I quietly snuck out of her room to hear what her Father was saying. "I knew you wouldn't do this even when I SPECIFICALLY asked you to this morning! I'm not raising an arrogant teenager am I?!" He asked her and then when he got no response he asked her again, "No Father. You are not raising an arrogant teenager and I'm very sorry that I didn't listen to you the first time. I will work on that! I promise and I'm sorry." I peered around the corner and her dad was standing with his back towards her, pouring himself a drink, and she picked up the trash that he must've just emptied onto the floor. "Good. Now pick all that shit up. You know damn well if it ain't...I'll pour it out again so you can try to clean it up again and take it out." As I was watching this happen I had accidentally hit my foot against the table, where the lamp was sitting up against and then her Father immediately turned around. I didn't have enough time to run back into her room and pretend like I wasn't listening when we all knew that I was. I felt so scared. I didn't mean to cause any harm. "Who's here without my knowledge Gina?!" I hurried around the corner and tried explaining myself, that maybe if I was to say something like I was thirsty and didn't mean to barge in on their conversation, that maybe he would understand. But he didn't. "'s you. Anna. I figured as much. Now what are you doing here." He came over to me with his drink and Gina happened to get in his way and he stopped and smirked at the two of us. "Who do you think you are?" Gina backed away and went back to picking up the trash, "Father...I'll show her out if you just want to sit on the couch. If you want me to make you anything then I can. I don't mind to do so. I'm sorry if her being here is an inconvenience to you." He chuckled and turned around towards her, I was still stuck in place, "Inconvenience? You think she's an inconvenience to me?! Look at her...she'" He turned to me and winked. "Father, I can also sign you up for an online dating website...if that's cool with you too? I know this one that works-" He cut her off, "Gina. Honey. I can find myself a good piece anytime that I want to. Just get me a sandwich and finish your chores." She shook her head and he walked past me slowly to their living room. Gina showed back up to school the next day, with a black eye and some bruises placed on her arms. 


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