Chapter Two

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Hey fellow earthlings! Glad to see that you're back! I hope you liked chapter one, sorry if it could have been better...I'm still a little new to this whole story writing deal. I mostly write poetry and have only written one "book" before. :DD


I made it home in about 15 minutes today compared to yesterday; it took me about 30 minutes because I was listening to some music and actually enjoying the scenery. When it comes to living in Colorado-especially Aspen, Colorado-all of the mountains and trees and the smell of nature is endearing. My high school was tiny, everyone knew each other and if there was drama, everyone knew the rumors by the end of the day. Nothing was able to be kept a secret here.


Opening up the front door, I seen that the living room television was on and no one was watching it. I walked over to the coat rack as I was taking off my jacket and placed it on the hook. I heard rustling in the kitchen and slowly walked around the corner and then noticed that it was Mom organizing the cabinets...again for the third time this week. It's Wednesday. "Hey...Mom. Why are you organizing the cabinets again? I thought that you said they were perfect yesterday?" I was curious at this point and she bumped her head on the top of the island as she stood up from the floor. "Ouch! Sorry Annalise...what was your question?" I repeated myself and she smiled, "Oh!! Well I thought that they needed reorganizing again because the one can of chicken noodle soup was turned too much. You should know that I'm OCD by now." I nodded and shrugged. She got out a bowl and the same can of chicken noodle soup that was turned slightly and opened the top, poured the soup into the bowl, took it over to the microwave and cooked it. I thought to myself what was the point of reorganizing the WHOLE cabinet, if she was going to take the turned can out and eat it? I chuckled to myself. I made my way up to my room after grabbing an apple and threw my bag on my bed. I heard the microwave going off from my room and laughed again. My Mom was so strange.


My laptop was sitting on my desk, it was open and I checked to see if the piece of tape was still in place of the camera. This was just to protect my paranoia of creepy men-hackers from staring at me through a screen. I'm not sure if people could actually hack into a computer camera like that, it never happened to anyone that I knew of, but I knew it wasn't a completely moronic thought. I unzipped my backpack and grabbed my notebook, my speech class had an ample amount of unnecessary homework. I knew it wouldn't help me become more confident into talking to people that I didn't even know. As I turned the journal open to a fresh page, I opened my textbook as well to the page number he assigned to us. "What is the point?" I asked myself, "We aren't learning anything or going to be using this to our advantage anyways." I shook my head in disappointment. Then I heard our front door open downstairs, so I walked over to my window, which overlooked lots of beautiful mountains and seen my Mother getting into her jeep. "Hmm..she never leaves without telling me. Strange." I thought to myself. I sat back down on my bed and then heard my phone ring. I walked back over to my computer desk and picked it up and read the name on the screen. 'Mom.' It said. I answered. "Yes, Mom?" I asked her, "Hey I am going to the store really quickly, please check if I locked the front door." I said okay and then she replied, "Right now while I'm on the phone please...I just don't want to be paranoid. Thank you." I nodded at her words, "Okay, one second. I'm in my room. What are you going to the store for?" I asked her as I made my way downstairs, she took a minute to reply, "Oh just for a few groceries. Is the door locked?" She asked me again, almost avoiding my question. "Yes Mom, you did lock the door." She sighed louder than I expected. "Thank you, Anna. I'll be back in a few, OK?" I said okay and then she replied, "I love you." I replied, "Okay, I love you too, Mom. Be safe." She agreed with me and then hung up. I made my way back into my room.


Mom made it back home around 5 that evening, she left around 3. I wonder what got her caught up this time. A new man? A blind date? What could be the reason for her to leave and come back two hours later...without any groceries. Damn and to think we actually needed food. Mom walked through the front door after double checking her jeep, to make sure it was locked on all four doors. "Hey, Mom! I thought you were getting groceries?" I asked her out of curiosity. She looked at me and then looked away and walked to where she was going before I stopped her. "I-I don't know. I stopped at the store and met up with someone I met a while back...they just had so much going on and I thought that I should talk to them." I tilted my head. "Who was it? I'm sorry if that's too much to ask." I stated. She smirked. My Mom gave me the same look when she tells me it's none of my business, so I made sure to leave it out of any conversation. I had an idea of who she had seen, but why would that distract her from getting any groceries for the house? Maybe I will have to go get some for the house since my Mom can't.

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I enjoyed going to school on Thursday's because I only have five class periods so that meant that I had three periods off. I worked at an internship doing absolutely nothing but observing food products at our local 'Whole Foods' store. There wasn't too much to do in this town for 16 year old's. Damn I miss Gina. Mr. Graves was passing around a sheet of paper that stated our new project, we were to get with a partner and create a scenario to present. The question was: Who would be my partner? And what would be our scenario? I looked around for available people who just seemed to hover towards their friends they already have in the classroom. I remember when Gina used to be my partner for everything and now she's...well you know. As everyone found their partners I couldn't seem to find my own, I looked around and no one was in sight. "Alright Ms. Rose, it looks as if you will be partnering with Elaine tomorrow as she's not here today." I looked up to him from my desk, he was staring down at me, looking over the top of his glasses and then he nodded, almost as if I had no choice but to agree and nod my head. "I guess." I sighed. He walked away. Once this class was over I went to my fifth period which is English and the popular girls are always whispering in there. I wish I could make it go away because I cannot stand listening to them judge or scowl at her name. It doesn't make sense as to why they wouldn't like her because they didn't even know her.


Chapter Three coming soon...

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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