Home alone

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Beep!! Beep!! Beep!! Daniel was awaken by the sound of his alarm clock. He turned it off and went back under the comfort of his covers. Then he remembered the alarm was set for 12:10. He rushed out of bed to get dressed knocking over a glass of water in the progress. He cussed and continued. He quickly ran downstairs almost falling down the steps. He then ran into the kitchen. No sign of his parents. He got a little worried and began searching the house a little bit. They weren't there. On the kitchen floor was a note. "Dear Daniel. Your dad and I thought about going on a little trip. We hope you won't mind. This might sound like we don't care about you but we will be gone for about a month. Please take care. There is food in the fridge and some money if you run out. Love mom" he was home alone. It was always great being home alone.

He had finished eating breakfast and was watching television. Actually not really, he was just checking the channels for something interesting. Outside there was a faint sound like something falling to the ground at a high speed. The sound continues for a minute and then a crash from the backyard. Something had crashed down in the backyard. He quickly pulled in his shoes and ran outside to check. The shed in the yard was completely smashed and inside was a...

(I'll continue writing another time. But only if you guys want it. Actually nobody knows I exists so..... that's sad)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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