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"chang minkyung? kim hanbin? come out to the stage please."

they were doing group readings, and randomly of course, they chose the two of us; myself reading from allie's lines and hanbin reading off of noah's.  eunbi gave me a large smile and a thumbs up before i slowly made my way toward the lightened stage.

just looking at his face was painful enough.

"say i'm a bird! say it!"

starting to get comfortable on the stage, i flail my arms, as it said to do in the script, acting silly and smiling my heart out. i mean, it's just acting, right?


he shook his head seriously although a smile was forming on his utterly beautiful face. i run up to him, close, but not so close that it's overwhelming.

"now, say you're a bird"

"if you're a bird, i'm a bird"

his sparkling eyes pierced through mine and it created a sensation that i have never felt before while he came closer to my face.

that was one of the first things i found out i loved about kim hanbin; his oh so delicate eyes, although that is just a distant memory now.


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