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Deep in outer space, where most humans have not been able to travel, lies the planet of Shtark. A rather beautiful planet where all races, sexes, religions, and cultures come together in unity. Shtark is divided into five regions. Dulcet, the pastel lands, Erstwhile, the vintage and steampunk realm, Inglenook, the most home feeling, Penumbra, the half good and half bad, and Arcana. Arcana is the most mysterious region, no one knows anyone's true intent, all trusts there is no trust. It is perhaps the most confusing region, reason being is that, no one knows how they feel, but they know exactly how they feel.

The Shtarsen monarch lives in Arcana, in a mansion rather than a castle. Queen Liberty rules for now. Liberty went to her room and changed out of her royal attire and into her casual combat outfit, after she changed, she put her hair up in a pony tail. She then looked at a picture of her family. She played close attention to her favourite brother, hugging her. They were just kids. Liberty sighed. She went to her training room. She got a gun and started her training.

Hours passed and Liberty's messenger walked in. "Queen Liberty, the women of the Council, wish to speak to you in the courtyard." He spoke as if he was snooty, but let nerdiness show. Liberty nodded. She went up to her room and changed into her royal attire. She quickly ran to the courtyard. Classical music played as she stumbled in a snowball bush trying to get a red high heel on. "Sorry I'm late ladies!" Liberty said as she got up. No one was there. "Hello?!?" She yelled. She got no answer, instead, she got hit by a blaster. She was back in her room and in her combat outfit. "Uh....what the heck?!?" She asked herself. She got blasted again. Everything was turning black. She passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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