Bonds Formed

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When Legolas had fallen asleep, Elrond spoke up.

"Thranduil. I want to talk to you."

He motioned to the door, and Thranduil followed, telling the others that if there was any sign that Legolas was waking up they should call for him.

When they arrived in Elrond's study, the first thing that happened was pain exploded on Thranduil's cheek. His hand immediately jerked to his face and he stared at Elrond, who was shaking with rage.

"What was that for?" Thranduil asked loudly, flinching back at the sudden burst of rage on Elrond's face.

"That's for your son, you moron!" Elrond yelled. Thranduil had never seen him so worked up. "How dare you say those things to him?"

What Elrond was talking about dawned on him suddenly, and he dropped his head in shame, remembering the cruel things he had said to Legolas before their parting.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, but it didn't seem to make Elrond any less angry.

"You're sorry? No, really? Now that I am mad at you, you regret it! Did it dawn on you to think of your son before yourself for once in your life? It's not me you should be apologizing to!"

"I know. I know, Elrond," Thranduil said, and Elrond took a step back breathing heavily. He paused for a moment, closing his eyes and trying to control himself. When he opened his eyes again, all they held was disappointment.

"I'm sorry for hitting you. Though I did mean what I said, I should not have hurt you. I just...I thought you two were getting along better, and it is frustrating that when you fight he is the only one that seems to be seriously hurt. I don't like seeing him upset, Thranduil, especially not because of something thoughtless his own father said to him."

"I know. Oh, Valar, Elrond, I know," Thranduil said, and Elrond saw a mixture of self-loathing and tiredness on his face. "I wish he had stayed long enough for me to apologize earlier, but I will do so when he wakes up next."

"Good," Elrond said. His hands clenched into vise-like fists, and he took a deep breath before relaxing them, deciding that if anyone was going to punch the Elvenking in the face, it should be the one who was hurt directly by his actions, not him in a moment of blind anger.

"Just...think beyond your own hurt next time, okay? Perhaps if you had not been so mad at him, he wouldn't have been inclined to leave so suddenly."

Thranduil nodded, his face shrouded with sadness at the reminder that Legolas would be leaving him soon. He wordlessly left the room and went back into the healing room where the others were. Elrond close on his heels.


Though Legolas still hadn't woken up, the next day Galadriel, Celeborn, Haldir, and Gimli had to leave and go their respective realms. They all said goodbye to him, though they knew he would not know it because he was sleeping, and went on their way, leaving only Darean, Allenda, Thranduil, Elrond, Elladan, Elrohir, and Glorfindel in Rivendell.

"What are you doing?" Thranduil asked Darean and Allenda, who he had found doing the most curious thing as he walked through the gardens. Darean had his sister standing unsteadily on his shoulders, and she was reaching up frantically for a branch on a large oak tree, but her arms simply weren't long enough.

Darean started at the sight of the Elvenking, and he dropped his sister, and Thranduil rushed forward, barely having time to catch her before she landed on the ground. Darean's face flushed.

"Thanks," he mumbled, and Thranduil sighed, taking the child's chin and pushing it up slightly with his fingers.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said back in the healing room. I was only worried that your father had somehow escaped my dungeons and that he had come to take Legolas away again. Did he tell you what happened?"

Darean nodded, and Allenda turned to Thranduil.

"Daddy's in your dungeons? Why did you put him there?"

"Well, remember when Legolas collapsed? That was your Daddy's fault, and Legolas is my son. I can't let your father kill him."

Allenda still looked doubtful, but Darean nodded.

"So, what were you trying to achieve here?" Thranduil asked, and Darean looked up at the tree.

"Well, Legolas and Allenda and me liked this tree very much, so we wanted to get some leaves to bring to him. We thought maybe it would help him wake up."

"Alright. Do you want me to get them, or shall I help you climb up to get them yourselves?" Thranduil asked, and Allenda clapped her hands together eagerly.

"Up! Up! I want to go up the tree!" she said, and Thranduil chuckled at the enthusiasm that he recognized from Legolas's first climb, though he had been much more confident that Legolas would not fall than this small human child.

"Alright. Come, I will lift you up. But you have to promise not to let go of the branch once you get up there, or you might fall."

A sudden look of fear crossed over Darean's face.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea..." he said, and Thranduil smiled reassuringly.

"Don't worry. I will catch her if she falls. Legolas was an elfling once, you know, and I couldn't get him away from trees even taller than this one."

Darean nodded slowly, and Thranduil picked up Allenda, chuckling as she squealed in delight. He gently deposited her on the branch, and she looked down at Darean, smiling widely.

"I'm taller than you are, now!" she called down, and Darean smiled.

"Yes, you are. You're very tall now. Why don't you get the leaves, Allenda, and then come down so I can be taller again."

Allenda giggled and grabbed a handful of leaves, and Thranduil quickly remembered that he was supposed to have asked the tree. The minute he touched the ancient being's mind, however, he got an answer.

'Do not worry, O Elvenking. It is worth it to see these two smiling again. They have been through much.'

Thranduil nodded and turned his attention back to Allenda, who couldn't figure out how to get back down again. He smiled and held his arms out, and she jumped, giggling, into his arms.

"Well, how did you two come to be in Rivendell?" Thranduil asked them, putting Allenda down. Darean's eyes immediately darkened.

"Daddy had already left when it happened. There were some bad guys, they came and they took the village; they got most of the other men and boys and took them away. Mommy hid me, but they eventually found out, and they..." he took a deep breath.

"They took her. I don't know where. Allenda and me ran away like she had told us to, and we ran here. They chased us for a while, but then they stopped."

Thranduil looked over and gave a small, comforting smile to the boy, though sadness shone in his eyes.

"You did well to do as she told you to. And you've done a wonderful job taking care of your sister. You are very mature for your age, and your mother would be very proud of what you've done to keep Allenda safe."

There was a pause, and they both looked at Allenda, who had deposited the leaves on the ground and was laughing as she chased a butterfly across the patch of grass they were standing in. Thranduil went over to her, picking her up and balancing her on his hip like he had long ago with his own little elfling. She laughed, hugging him around the middle. He stood, taking Darean's hand as they walked into the gates of Imladris, bound for Legolas's room.

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