Chapter Three

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кιтту'ѕ ρσν

After what seemed like hours of waking in circles, I decided to start a friendly conversation between Nicole, Nitro, and I.

"So Nicole, you live here in Mexico, right?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah," Nicole was leading the way, Nitro and I beside her. "Ever since I was born. I've grown to love it here."

"Have you ever been to America?"

Nicole thought about this. "I never have, no. But I remember my mother and father have once. They took a bunch of pictures for me, and even brought me some souvenirs!"

Nitro looked at Nicole. "Did your parents tell you which place you were visiting?"

"New York," Nicole sighed dreamily. "The pictures were so clear, it felt as though I was there."

"I've been to New York before," I told her. "It was beautiful. So many people, and places to go! The statute of Liberty, though, made the whole trip better."

"Sounds awesome," Nicole grinned.

It was Nitro's turn to ask a question. "You mentioned your sister before. What's her name?"

"Her name is Penelope. She's probably the sweetest girl in the world." Nicole sighed. "I wish she came with me here. You guys would love her."

"If I brought Maggie, you would freak at how smart she is!" I giggled.

"And Logan would go crazy over this whole situation," Nitro added.

"You have siblings, too?" Nicole gasped. "They must be wonderful!"

"You bet," I realized I had been so busy chatting, I wasn't even aware of my surroundings. "Where are we?"

Nitro spun around. "Is this a laundry room?"

Nicole burst into laughter. "I guess employees at haunted houses need to do their laundry, too!"

"Don't forget that this isn't just a haunted house, but also a murder house," I reminded her.

"Oh, yeah," she grew quiet.

"Well," Nitro looked at the clothes. "This is odd."

"It's not too odd," I poked around at the shelves lined with clothes. "I mean, I have a laundry room, too."

"Not that," Nitro shook her head. "There's a note!"

I trotted over to Nitro. Looking down at the note, I called Nicole over.

"What it is?" She tried peering over my shoulder.

"If you're reading this, turn around," Nitro read aloud. My heart thudded.

We slowly turned around as one. Standing before us was a person, who was growing closer...

The person stepped into the light.

"Adam!" Nicole put her hands on her hips. "You scared us half to death!"

"Sorry," Adam shuffled his feet. "I heard you guys in here, and I wanted to come along. This place is giving me the chills."

"Don't you own this place?" Nitro pointed out.

"Technically, Cassie does," Adam shrugged. "Besides, I've never really had to explore a haunted house. Usually we stand off to the side, and wait for the closing time. Then, we gather all the people, and they leave."

"Sounds peaceful," I narrowed my eyes. "Are there usually any murderers in the haunted house?"

"Why do you say that?" Adam tilted his head.

"Well, I'm thinking twice about this haunted house after I read a note saying 'if you're reading this, turn around'."

"Weird," Adam raised his eyebrows. "Step back. I want to see something."

Nicole, Nitro, and I all stepped to the side. Adam cautiously looked at the note.

"It's a simple notecard," he stated. "Nothing special. I'm pretty sure it's a prop for the haunted house."

"I guess that fake blood on the wall is convincing," Nicole agreed. "At least the murderer isn't setting traps."

"Murderer? Did I hear you correctly?" Adam leaned forwards.

"Uh," Nicole grew stiff. "No, I said... mass... per... bird?"

"So somebody is murdering people in a haunted house?" Adam lifted a hand to his head. "This isn't good. We need to find and stop that murderer."

"Actually, we were looking for an exit," I told him. "I'd rather escape than save the day."

"Oh," Adam's shoulders slumped. "Okay then. You guys can leave. I'll stay here and work out this Murder."

"Sounds fun! I'll stay too!" Nicole did a little hop in the air.

"I thought you wanted to leave?" I was confused, my mind spinning in circles.

"I did, but I guess saving the lives of many innocent people is better," she sighed. "Escaping and leaving them to die is just plain selfish!"

"Now that makes me feel bad," Nitro grunted. "Count me in."

"Nitro!" I spat. "We need to get home! I don't trust this place any longer! For all we know, Adam or Nicole could be the murderer!"

"Offended," Adam rolled his eyes.

"I'll take my chances," Nitro crossed her arms. "Now, are you coming or not?"

I looked at them, my eyes glinting. I couldn't risk my life and walk- alone- through a haunted house. I could die. Plus being with Nitro always made me feel safer.

"Fine. I'll come," I gave in. "But I'll only help if I can leave as soon as this is over."

A/N: I lied. I've never been to New York XD

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