CH. 14 Slave- Prince

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"Haven't you ever sang rounds of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" in kindergarten or something?" Kid explained, stiffening his voice so he would not yell.

"Yeah, Fool... in kindergarten," Morris argued.

"Well, its the same thing," Kid said. "Except the first round is the background and second round is the lead."

"The background always comes after the lead, Stupid," Morris said even more frustrated.

"Says who?!" Kid shouted.

"Says Earth, Wind and Fire, The Brothers Johnson and the Jackson 5," Morris returned.

"Man, can't we just try it my way?" Kid demanded. He understood that his way was not what they were used to but they could get it if they worked on it. Kid could teach them the song the way it echoed in his head.

"No," Morris said flatly. "We got gigs coming up and we don't need to waste time on your songs when we could be working on the ones we have."

"Let's take a vote," Kid said. He knew Jesse would be on his side. Lex would be on Morris' side and Schroeder was a toss up but worth a shot.

"I want to play "I'm Your Boogie Man" now please, Morris Day 612-319-9978," Schroeder stated in his robotic way. There was no more need for a vote.

How did Morris become the leader anyway? Kid and Morris started the band together and now Morris and Sunny Day were making all of the decisions. They never even asked him what he thought about anything anymore. They just expected him to write all the music down on sheets for everybody, plug up the amplifiers and microphones and teach everybody their parts. If Kid was going to do all the work, he should have some say in what they played. It was time to have a serious talk with Morris and Sunny Day.

Kid hung around after the rehearsal and invited himself into Sunny Day's kitchen. He sat at the table in silence. "What's wrong, Kid?" Sunny said in an unusally motherly way. She seemed to be a in a good mood. Kid tried to use this to his advantage.

"It's the songs we're playing. I think we should mix things up a little bit."

"That again?" Morris whined. "Mom, his songs are great but the vocals are too complicated."

"They are not complicated if you just listen to what I'm telling you."

"We don't have time for that right now," Morris said cranking his neck.

"We already know those other songs backwards, Man."

"No, you know them, Kid. They don't and I have make sure they do."

"Who made you the boss?!"

"Wait a minute," Sunny Day interrupted before they exploded. "Boys, calm down. I have an idea." Sunny sat in the chair next to Kid. "Let's save your songs until summer when we have more time to learn them. Morris is right. We don't have time to learn new material right now."

Kid's face waxed hot. "Boogie Man" was new material. They had only been practicing that for two days.

"I want more input on what we play. This is my band, too," Kid said.

Sunny took a breath. She came from a family where children were seen and not heard. She tried not to get beside herself. Sunny looked Kid directly in the eye. "How much is gasoline per gallon?"

"I don't-"

"Of course you don't know because you don't put gas in the van to take you guys from gig to gig. What about electricity? How much do you think that costs?"

Kid was quickly losing this battle and he knew it. He decided not to answer her as her voice descended deeper.

"What about food? You boys eat out of my kitchen like this is your house," she continued. I've never asked you to do anything but respect me and trust my judgment," Sunny said pecking her finger on the table. "Until you boys start doing something besides splitting the pay five ways instead of six, I'm the boss," Sunny said. "Now do you want a ride home tonight, Kid? It's late."

"No, ma'am."


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