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The woodpecker is interesting bird. It has strong. pointed beak that acts as a hammer to remove bark from trees and find insects to eat. It has a very long tongue, up to four inches long, that is sticky on the tip for catching insects.

Most birds have one toe pointing back and three pointing forward on each foot. Woodpeckers are a little bit different. They have two sharp claws pointing back and two sharp claws pointing forward on each foot to help them hold on to sixles of trees.

The life span of a woodpecker is 4-11 years. There favorite foods are insects, fruit, acoms and nuts.
This awesome birds is live in forests and wooded areas with lots of trees. Woodpeckers can be found all over the world, except  in polar regions,Australia, and Madagascar. There have a 200 species of woodpeckers in the world. The Bar-breasted Piculet is the smallest species of woodpeckers and grow to around 8cm tall. The Grey Salty
Woodpeckers is the largest woodpeckers growing to about 60cm tall.They have brightly colored feathers, with the color differing for different species. Dinstinctively, woodpeckers a long beak which they use to make hole in the trees. Interestingly, they are able to peck the trees 20 times in a second.The reason they are able to peck so fast without getting a headache is because there are air pockets protecting ther brain. They peck on wood to dig out the grubs living under bark of the tree. They are omniverse feeding on seed, berries, fruits, and nuts and bugs. They have there predators in Wild-cats, foxes, rats, snake and large birds. They excavate holes in trees and often nest there. Both male and female woodpeckers build a nest and incubate the eggs laid by the female woodpeckers. The eggs hatch after 2-weeks incubation and chicks are known to fledge in a month's time. There nests are not a lined by theme as the wood chippings as a result of pecking) make their nest soft. Habitat loss throught deforestation has endangered most of the woodpecker is species

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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