One of the Boys (One Shot)

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Ryan's POV

You know I don't give a f*ck what you think or say,

'Cause we gonna rock this whole place any way.

Hollywood Undead's lyrics floated through me as I sat in my room doing my usual moping rutine. I hear my door slam open. Not even glancing over I can tell it's Lena my little sis. I keep my eyes shut and hope she'll realize I'm ignoring her.


You better get up out the way,

Tomorrow we'll-

"Hey I was listening to that!" I yelled at her.

"Yeah well I'm tired of you moping around." She told me while putting my headphones around her neck. "Honestly I liked you better when you were always at parties getting drunk and making out with whores." All I could do was stare at her with my jaw getting carpet burn. My little sister just said she preferred me as a man whore.

"I mean seriously," she went on, "what on earth has you so mellow?"

"You wouldn't understand." She just rolled her eyes at me.

"I may not understand, but if it's about a girl, then maybe I can help." She nudged me with her arm before sitting down on my bed. It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"And have you make it worse? No thanks."

"So it is a girl! I need details." she said, eyes shining with mischief.

"I'm not telling you anything."

"Fine, I'll just turn your entire wardrobe hot pink and neon green." I paled.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh but I would."

"You couldn't." I tried.

"You forget, I'm still home schooled." she smirked. She could do it. She had the resources and she had the time. I caved.

"Fine." I told her. She started squealing and bouncing on my bed.

"What's her name?"

"Sam, Sam Evans." I couldn't help but smile as I said her name.

"Wow, you've got it bad."

"Yeah." No point in denying it.

"So how did you mess it up?" I pushed her off my bed. She stuck her tongue out at me from where she was on the floor.

"I told her she was becoming a girl." Lena just sared at me confused.

"Sam's a tomboy." I explained.

"Wait how much of a tomboy?" she asked.

"She's the captain and quarterback of the football team." Lena just nodded. "I don't get it Jake teases her about acting like a guy, but when I said it-"

"She got mad." Lena finished for me. I noded. "So who is Jake?"

"Jake is her best friend."

"Just a friend?"

"When I asked Sam she said he was like her brother."

"Did she try to explain to you why it bugged her when you called her a guy?" I nodded yes.

"Yeah she said Jake was her best friend and I wasn't."

"Was she seriously pissed?" I replayed Homecoming night in my head all the way to the moment I took Sam home.

"Actually no, she seemed more sad and a little disapointed." Lena bolted up off floor.

"I have a solution! When's her next game?"

"This Friday but she's not gonna be playing. She made a bet with the captain of the cheer leaders and now she'll be cheering while Carly is gonna be the quarterback."

"Doesn't matter. Are they doing anyting special for the game?"

"Just a bunch of t-shirts and posters."

"Get two t-shirts, take me to the game, and the two of you will be on the couch snogging before Monday." she said before running out of my room, slamming my door in the process. I wonder what Lena would do. Deciding to forget about it until later, I reached for my headphones to drown out my problem with more Hollywood Undead, only to realize Lena took my headphones.

"Damn it Lena."


"Aye, Nathan!" I walked into the front office to buy an extra ticket and t-shirt since I had already gotten mine before Lena told me to.

"Hey man what's up?"

"I need another team Sam t-shirt and a ticket to go with it."

"You bringin' a date?" he asked eyeing me skeptically. I snorted.

"No, just my lil' sis."

"Parents want her out of the house." I shook my head.

"Wrong again. She's black mailing me."

"Sucks to be you." he smirked. I grabbed the ticket and the t-shirt before heading to first period. On my way I spot Sam and take a detour.

"Have you been avoiding me?" I asked.

"No. Our paths just haven't crossed lately."

"We sit right next to each other in chem 2," I pointed out, "and you haven't even looked my way." She just shrugged. I try to keep the conversation going, no matter how bad it seems to be getting. Then she shoots me down completely.

"You don't get girls, do you?" She walked off without waiting for an answer. Girls I only half-way get. Samantha Evans maybe a girl, but I am far from half-way with her.

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