Not dead yet Part 1

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Before this begins I would like to point out that you are the same age as Tanya

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Before this begins I would like to point out that you are the same age as Tanya

I duck under the table and hope I don't get hit. I hear men and women fall to the ground, blood splattered on the ground. The noise stops and I slowly get out from under the table. I hear a noise, a sound of a women in pain. I run to the noise to see her, Ms. Tanya Degurechaff. Her leg had a bullet in it. I head over to help her, "No! You need to go now! I won't lose any more good people!" She yelled, but I didn't listen. I picked her up and get up and try to run as fast as I can,"Can you use your magic!?" I asked in a rush, "N... no. The jewel got hit." I groan as I put her in the car. "Soldier, you will listen to me, leave me behind. I'll hold them off!" She yelled as she gave me her crazy sadistic look in her eyes. To be honest, I like those eyes. They scare everyone, but not me. I put her buckle on and I start to drive. "Your going to get both of us killed!" She yelled. "Shut up! I'm trying to save us! Do you want 1 person to live or 2!?" I yell. I drive the truck as fast as I can and turn left and right, hoping I can dodge the gunfire. A bullet shoots through and hit my shoulder, I scream, but still drive. " Where is the god dame roads!? I can't see through all this debris!?" I see the road that heads to the kingdom, "Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!" I say in pure happiness. Then, the enemy mages come out of no where and fire at us. I try and turn toe truck around, only to slipstream and get hit with one of the mages bullets, thankfully it wasn't an explosion one but it hurt like hell. The truck flips over and starts to roll.

I look up to see the truck destroyed, as I try and crawl, a enemy mage steps in front of me, "Heh, a little kid, why are you in the war?" I try and crawl away from him, only for him of put his foot on my back, "Well, this will not hurt but for a sec-" As he said that, he gets shot in the back of the head. "Hah, amateur. Are you ok kid?" I look up at Tanya, " I think so, but my arm hurts like hell." I put my hand on my arm, still stings. Tanya helps me up and puts me on her back. "Y/N, you are to good for yourself. Thats what going to get you killed." She says, "Yea, well I'm not dead yet"

The evil and the good( Tanya the evil x Wolfish male reader)Where stories live. Discover now