The Pac-Man Tattoo (Be More Chill)

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When you write on your body, it appears on your soulmates body.

This is less angsty and more of Molly projecting her personality onto these two boiz.

This one is a bit long so there's no way in hell I'm checking for mistakes.


"Hey Michael?"

Michael glanced up at Jeremy, still messily eating his pizza, "Wha?" Jeremy snickered at his friend's lack of manners, "Do you remember when we talked about getting tattoos?" Slowing down his chewing pace, Michael frowned, "Yeahhhhh?"

"We should get matching Pac Man tattoos!"

Michael's face went completely pale, nearly choking on his pizza. "What?!" Jeremy didn't know whether to be amused or offended by his friend's reaction. Last year, when he suggested this, Michael seemed completely onboard with the idea. Now that they were 17 and could get tattoos, he seemed freaked out at the idea of getting tattoos.

Jeremy chose to laugh it off, hopefully it was just took Michael by surprise. "That was not the reaction I expected." Michael successfully swallowed his pizza without dying, taking a few seconds to b r e a t h e. "You okay?" Jeremy asked, forcing a laugh. Michael nodded, "Yeah just...that came out of nowhere."

Jeremy bit his lip, "I figured you'd be all for it." Michael felt heat rise to his face, "Yeah..."

Well, this was awkward.

"Are you?" Jeremy asked, hopefully. Had Michael not known what he found out months ago, the answer would've been yes. But he knew once a tattoo was placed on either of them, it would forever change how Jeremy looked at Michael.

Michael reluctantly shook his head no. He could see Jeremy's face fall. The two then refused to meet eyes, afraid of breaking under the other's gaze. Jeremy was the first to speak, "Well...would you be mad if I still got the tattoo?"

Before, Michael was just upset. Now he was legitimately scared for the sake of their friendship. His head shot up as he stared Jeremy right in the eyes, "Believe me when I say that's a BAD idea!" Jeremy now looked offended. He wasn't angry with Michael, but annoyed he was suddenly so against tattoos. "Why not?" Jeremy demanded. Michael cringed at the voice crack in Jeremy's voice as he said that, "I can't tell you..."

Now Jeremy looked pissed, leaping up to his feet, "Why can't you tell me? We're supposed to tell each other everything! Do you not trust me?" Michael shook his head quickly, standing up as well, "Of course I trust you! It's just...personal." Jeremy placed his hands on his hips, getting right up in his best friend's face. "Oh yeah?" He snapped. "What the fuck is so personal about tattoos that you, for some reason, have a problem with ME getting my OWN tattoo?"

"Jeremy I..." Michael tried to muster out. But Jeremy had already grabbed his bags and was headed towards the door, "Whatever man."

With that, he left.

*One week l8r, no one's quoting Hamilton*

Michael and Jeremy made up in less than twelve hours, but the tattoos were never brought up. Jeremy intended on getting that tattoo, whether Michael liked it or not. Now here he was, sat in the chair as the tattoo artist, who's name Jeremy already forgot, was piercing an image of Pac Man on his left forearm. He had his earbuds in, trying to numb the pain with My Chemical Romance.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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