God's true love

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This goes out to all the people who hate gay and transgender people

Who are you to say what a person can and can't do in their own life. You say that God hates gays and transgender people. But if God hates them then why did he make them. If God is really a god he would love everything and everyone including all his children. And who are you to speak for someone you've never even met and speak against someone you've never truly known he's never told you to say these mean and cruel things and you say that you're going off the Bible but sorry to burst your bubble the Bible was written by someone who never met God so what I want you to do is I want you to stop and think about what you're actually doing and what your saying it's not actually what God thinks but actually what you think. wouldn't God think that your selfish. I advise you to try and change that by supporting the ones around you and the ones that are different for they are not a disgrace or a crime or even a monster. There a gift from the gods to show that some change can be good and to show that having an open mind is also a good thing.

P.S. the passage of the Bible actually says man shall not lay with boy which is talking about pedophilia not homosexuality

Some of you guys will hate this chapter but that's only because you guys know it's true and you're just too weak to face the truth and accept it but you know what that's all right so you can give me all the hate comments you want that's not going to change the fact that what you're doing is wrong.

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