Chapter 1

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I tossed and turned under the covers, gasping as if being drowned. Hot beads of sweat engulf my body drenching my blankets.

"SAE LYNN RUN!!!" I sat up in my bed screaming.

I look around the room to see moonlight coming through the window . A cold breeze entered through the room awakening my senses.

I examine myself and find I'm in a puddle of some sort of liquid I later recognized as sweat.

"Shut your up you Bishkek." Sae groaned from her bed.

Ignoring her comment I got up and walked to the bathroom to take a bath to start the day since sleep was not going to happen.

I put on my Big Bang playlist and turned on the hot water cause cold water is for depression days. I step in and let the water engulf me. Allowing my body to relax.

"BIIIIITCH IF YOU DONT ANSWER THIS PHONE IMMA SICK MY HEEL ON YOUR ASS!" My phone screamed at me. "Damn it Jin what is it now" I grumble lifting my head out of the water.

'This is what I get for trying to relax' I thought to myself as I reached for my towel. I leaned over the edge of the tub just to slip hit my head.

"Shit" I whisper yelled. I grab my head trying to put pressure hoping to stop the pain. My phone went off again buzzing on the floor. I grabbed it seeing the ID. It showed " Jinny the titty"

"What the hell do you want at this hour Jin. " I groaned into the phone. " Come over now !"
He spoke with hint of urgency.
" Why the fuc-" He hung up. "Damn it Jin"

I sighed in defeat. Lifting my self up I carefully I grab my towel and 'attempted' to step out just to fail. Landing on my non existent ass."fuck"

I grabbed onto the sink balancing myself. I grabbed my clothes and threw them on

Ur outfit

I left the button up unbuttoned just enough allowing it to slip off my shoulder. I deny the brush a few strokes threw my hair and cover it with a black beanie.

I put on my black cap and face mask and head into the sharing room. As I reach for my bag my keys hit the tile floor.

As I redirect my attention to the fallen keys I feel a bright light hit my face. I look up to see Saeyeon  Shining a Flashlight at me. " Luna What the Fuck " She groaned putting her taser back under her pillow.

"What I'm going out did you even wake up??" I questioned. She nonchalantly replied" You're loud as fuck thats how" I sighed looking around . "Just go back to bed ok " I tried to convince her.

"Nope I'm up which means we are all up, since you interrupted my dream"she stated sitting up. Lynn was still laying in her bed not even phased bye us..until Sae spoke"Lynn wake the hell up were going somewhere........STOPP HYBERNATING !!!"She screamed

"mmhm screw you I was just about to beat that bitch until you screamed you inconsiderate hoe" Lynn whined and rolled around to face us. "What the hell is going on anyway."she tiredly rubbed her eyes.

"We're-""I'm going out" I interrupted Sae before she could finish."And what does that have to do with MY hybernation" she asked while digging herself back into her covers. I rolled my eyes and turn back towards the door before twirling back from hearing a Blood curdling scream.

'shit...' " GIMME MY BLANKET BACK!!!" Lynn screamed while Sae crab crawled with the Velvet comforter into her nest in the closet (don't ask)

Getting up quicker than the flash Lynn ran to the closet locking the door. "NOW" she yelled at me."THANKS ILL TEXT YOU"I yelled back slamming the door.

(A/N) What did I just write....

I finally reached town with my 30 minute run.The sky was a purple as the sun barely reached over the mountains changing the hues of the clouds.' Damn I didn't get to witness Sae come out' I chuckled at the the thought of her furiously coming out of our small closet with her looney toons pjs wrapped in the four year old blanket we have all been sharing.

I finally reached Jin's Apartment building he owns and lives in. 'what in the hell was so important ?' I thought to myself. I pushs through the glass doors and heads to the elevator.

Pressing floor 7 I leaned against the back bar not caring about the millions of germs on it. As the door started to close a hand stopped the doors. Pulling them back apart a guy entered. He was carrying books papers a back pack that hid his face. He stood next to me.

'Should I ask him if he wants help?'.......'nah he'll be fiine' I thought shrugging it off. As I thought he suddenly dropped 15636papers. Sighing I gave in.

"H-Hey" I said going against my will. " Do you need a hand ?" I asked him " Actually that would be great." He replied

I reached out grabbing a binder and a bunch of papers neatly putting the loose paper in the binder I reached for another paper mindlessly not realizing that by grabbing the paper I had grabbed the last one

He snatched my . Staring into my eyes . I then realized how close we were. "S-sorry " I spoke putting my head down backing away.

He looked at me confused."why you took everything?" He spoke. He stepped closer closing the space between us. My heart was beating at and uncountable rate and I felt my face hear up 'what the fuck is happening to me right now?! ' I felt my eyes involuntarily change color, meaning SHE's coming to play.

He lifted my chin trying to look in my eyes. "I should be thanking you" he said softly. "Hey open your eyes I wont bite." He chuckled.

I squinted my eyes seeing his eyes had changed from a chocolate dark brown to a light lavender. My eyes widen as do his. I push away from him.

"L-Lavender-Hhow?." He stuttered

As if summoned the door opens and I run


I set (more three the binders on the ground and bolted as fast as i could to Jin's room. I got half way down the hall before realising it was the WRONG FUCKING FLOOR.

Refusing to go back to the elevator I took the stairs' eh I'm fat anyway I need the exercise ' I thought taking the stairs.
A/N hmm I wonder ...why lavender eyes

Well Shit......Lifes A Bitch (Editing)        Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now