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I ran as fast as I could till I reached Jin's door. I didnt even knock I just opened the door and slammed it shut pressing my beck against it sliding down breathing heavily. Trying to forget what just happened. About five seconds later I heard loud foot steps running down the hall. "WHOS THERE I AM FLUENT IN KICKAURASS SO YOU BETTER BE READY!!!" Jin yelled holding a plastic baseball bat.

I sighed and threw my shoe at him gaining his attention as he looked in the kitchen instead of the living room."Yah!" He rubbed his head in pain "WHO THE FU-oh hey Luna you actually came " he smiled while still griping the back of his head.

"What else did you expect me to do when my friend tells me you come over at 6:30 in the fucking morning ?!" I stated a little upset he didn't think I'd come.'what does he take me for?' I thought to myself. He just shrugged his shoulders. 'THIS GUY!' I took a deep breath realizing this is Kim Seokjin we are a talking about here....nvm.

"So what did you want ?" I sighed. Letting it go. He grabbed my arm and walked me down the hall. We went to the back where his bedroom door was closed.

I heard a faint scratching from the other side of the door and a small whine. Jin opened the door and I saw little baby pomerainians everywhere.

I gasped at the adorable sight,forgeting what just happened as i stared into the sea of cuteness.If there was one thing I had a soft spot for it was puppies and kittens. I looked up at Jin to see him smiling." Jin where did you get them ?" I asked in awe of the adorable creatures .

" In an alley way there was a little girl selling them she looked like she was 12 ,asked where her parents were and she just said 10,000 won each so being the sucker I am I gave her 200,000 for 10 double cause I remember how much I hated doing work like that when I was younger"He smiled sincerely." Damn Jin thats deep"

  "Want food?, Mom made me like 20 tons of jjajangmyeon and I cant eat it all." My eyes widened ."Is the earth round?"

We looked as we heard a beep boop from the living room " Yes ,the Earth is roughly a sphere. For additional information go to" a robotic female voice emitted. "Thanks Alexa" Jin yelled back as we made our way to the living room . " good morning my baby boy " a half naked man said in a husky voice wrapping his arms around Jin's waste.

  Jin's eyes widened blush reaching his entire face. "O.o company you didn't tell me we have a guest" man said smirking at me'not.'not even gonna ask

Yo its your lazy confused neighborhood potato trash with a something so rare an update so schools finally out so i might update more but i promise nothing love you guys thanks for reading<3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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