First Day of School

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"Wake up Dec! It's your first day of high school! You don't want to be late!"

Dec heard his mum waking him up for school. He jumped out of bed with excitement and stretched. He couldn't wait for school to start.

He stretched for a few minutes, thinking about school and hoping it would go well. He quickly took a shower and wore a new outfit that he had set out the night before. He and Ant had gone to the mall a couple of days ago to buy new outfits and school supplies, and Dec really liked the clothes that he picked out.

"Dec, come and eat your breakfast quickly, or you'll be late for school!" yelled his mum.

"I'm coming, Mum! I just need to get my bag ready!" Dec replied.

Once he was satisfied that he got everything ready, he ran down the stairs to the kitchen, where his mum and dad were sitting at the kitchen table finishing their own breakfast.

His dad stood up from the table and said to Dec, "Are you ready son, for the first day of high school?"

Dec grinned and sat down in his seat at the table, where his mum had placed a plate of eggs and bacon and a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks, mum! And, yeah, dad, I'm ready and so excited for my first day! I can't wait to get to school." he said and started eating his breakfast.

His parents looked at each other and smiled, clearly pleased by their son's reaction to school.

"Well, you better quickly finish your food, as the bus will be here soon to pick you up and you don't want to miss it!" his dad replied. His parents kissed him on his forehead and left to go to work.

Dec hurriedly finished the rest of his breakfast and took his plate and glass to the sink to wash and put in the dishwasher. He grabbed his bag and his lunch that he had packed the night before and ran outside to wait for the bus. Luckily, the bus stop was only a few houses down and he got there quickly.

As he waited for the bus, Dec thought about what his first day of high school might be like. He was excited to see which classes he was in and which teachers he got. He heard about a couple teachers from his older siblings who also went to this school and how nice they were, and he was hoping he got those teachers as well.

Dec's grin faded a little when he thought about the fact that Ant was not going to be with him in high school. They were both utterly gutted that they were separated this year. They were both so used to being able to see each other all the time. It would be hard to adjust to not being able to see each other in school. Most of all, Dec was afraid that the bullies would take advantage of the fact that Ant and his friends would not be in the school. Dec was not looking forward to being in the same class as the bullies.

Dec was startled out of his thoughts by the sound of the bus arriving and the doors opening. He quickly got on board and went to the back of the bus. He preferred the back of the bus so that nobody paid attention to him during the bus ride.

Dec observed the other students on the bus to see if he was acquaintances or friends with any of them. Upon discovering that there were none, he leaned back against the seat and sighed. He wished that he could go with his mom or dad to school instead of the bus, but they both were too busy to take him. They were both working full-time jobs and had to leave for work before he left for school.

The bus finally arrived at school and Dec could see many other students also arriving and going inside the building. Dec climbed out of the bus and walked towards the building.

"Hey shortie! Where are your bodyguards?" Dec heard from behind.

Dec bit his lip and tried to ignore the voice and keep walking.

"OI! Stop ignoring me, shortie!" Dec knew that was the voice of one of his bullies, James, and he knew that if James was there, James's other friends would also be there. He picked up his pace and was thankfully swallowed into the crowd of students before James could catch up to him.

Dec walked to his locker quickly and breathed a sigh of relief. However, his relief was short-lived, as James and his friends had caught up to him. James pushed Dec into his locker saying, "Next time, don't ignore me when I talk to you, nerd!"

James and his friends walked away, laughing at Dec's misery, leaving Dec upset and hurt at the name calling and violence.

Dec made sure his nose wasn't bleeding because of the push and put his stuff in his locker. He quickly made his way to his first class, hoping that the rest of the day would go better. He could already tell that he would be in for a difficult year if the first morning was this bad.

A/N I'm not too happy with this chapter. To be honest, I had a lot of ideas when I first thought of the story, but I am having a bit of trouble with the beginning part, as it is my first time writing fanfiction. Hope you guys still like it.

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