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It's been about a week now, since I've been at school and I made a few friends.

First there was, Kate.

She's gorgeous with dark blue eyes and luscious blonde hair that goes perfectly with her tan skin tone.

Then there was Alice, who has huge hazel yes with died dark blue hair and pale freckly skin. I wondered how she could be so pale, she's lived her all her life and has got nothing but burnt, no tan, no nothing. On the bright side she was beautiful.

And last of all there was Caleb, who was undeniably sexy, but I had a feeling we wouldn't be anything more than friends, or at least I would hope so. He's got a girlfriend and I've got a boyfriend. He's got bright green eyes kinda like mine, with light brown hair.

Oh I almost forgot his girlfriend, Kim.

She's lovely girl, we are kinda friends but she doesn't really hang out with our group unless its just to say hi, or of coarse see Caleb.



Today is Saturday.

And my mum is making me get out of bed.

When I could be sleeping in, dreaming of all the wonders and wishes of my life.

Yeah right, like that's gonna happen. I never get to sleep in on Saturdays.

1. Because my mum has work.

2. Unfortunately I'm not an only child, I have two snotty little twin brothers and another snotty little sister.

3. I have to babysit them all day.

4. Which means they are gonna reck the house if I don't get up early.

And yeah.

Gosh, sometimes I hate my life.

It's now 9:30am and I'm just about ready to go down the road to the local cemetery and dig my own grave, get in it and just automatically die.

These three little boogers are driving me crazy.

I've dressed, fed and organized them. I even played transformers with the boys and watched Dorothy with my sister.

What more do they want for me.

That I'll never know, because they want things all the time.

Yeah the boys, Callum and jack were cute, but boy do they wear me out. They are only 4. They are so tiny, how do they have so much energy this early in the morning.

And little Adella, man oh man she was the most adorable little sister I've ever had, not that I even had any other sisters, but you know what I mean.

She drives me insane with all the little tantrums she throws and Jesus, I have never watched so many little girl programs in my life. And let me tell you, they are boring as fuck.

" Alright guys how bout we go to the park"

They jumped with joy and all slid their little feet into the Welles and pulled on their coats.

This was going to be fun..... Chasing after them in the park , screaming at them for bullying some other kid, feeling sick after they ate something they are not meant to....







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