Chapter 2: CONNER

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18 year old Conner Anderson is standing in his brand new kitchen with his father Bill discussing where they were to put the shelves. The kitchen is huge and leads off into the dining room area. Eventually they decide to leave the job until tomorrow. Conner goes up to his new bedroom and looks around. It wasn't as big as his one back home but he was content with the size and atleast his room was one of the rooms which didn't need painting or changing to it. Conner starts to unpack the boxes and put his stuff into the cupboards. After he finishes with his clothes he moves to the box with the label "BOOKS AND CDS" and he puts them onto the shelf above his desk. He was putting up his posters onto the wall when his mother Suezanne called him.

Must be for lunch. Conner thought.

As he walks into the kitchen there is a huge commotion going on at the table.

"Gee, what did I miss here?" Conner asked with a playful smile.

"Let's say grace" Conner's mother said.

After they said grace the conversation carried on.

"We were talking about going to the beach soon. Maybe you can finally teach Aidan how to surf" Conner's mother said with a smirk.

"Please can we go soon Mom!" 10 year old Aidan said with a huge grin.

"Yes please!" 5 year old Lucas agreed.

2 year old Gaby claps her hands together with a little "Yes"

The rest of the lunch is spent discussing the beach. Conner spends the rest of the afternoon sorting out his room and is glad with his progress by the end of it. He hears a car come into the drive and looks out of his window. He sees a woman with short blonde hair get out of the driver's seat and notices that there are more people in the car.

Maybe it's Mrs Crawford? he thinks.

He is very happy that he has been given the opportunity to play in the church band at the new church his family was attending.He had loved music since he was young. She was the lead band member of the worship team and she was coming to speak to him about how the band works.

When he reaches the bottom of the stairs he hears the woman say

"I hope you don't mind but i brought my children with me"

"No of course not!" Suezanne replied cheerfully.

"Please come inside" said Bill while gesturing for them to come inside the door.

That's when he notices her. Her long golden brown hair and those brown eyes that literally seem to sparkle. He stands behind his family while the introductions are made. Her name is Madeline and her siblings were Rebecca and Daniel. Conner goes and sits next to Aidan.

"Well I'm glad that you want to join the band Conner. We need more young people" Mrs Crawford says with a laugh.

He peales his eyes away from the girl with the golden hair and says

"I am very excited to join the band. This is a dream of mine"

"That's good to hear. What instruments can you play? Can you sing?" askes Mrs Crawford.

"Yes, Mrs Crawford I can sing, not the best though. I can play the guitar, piano and a little bit of the drums" Conner answers.

"Wow, that's impressive, and please call me Molly" she replies with a smile.

His parents start to talk to Mrs Cra... Molly about other matters and Conner loses interest. He looks over at Madeline and tries to catch her eyes but she keeps looking down at that file she has in her lap. She finally glances up and looks straight into Conner's eyes and they stare at each other for awhile before confusion creeps into her eyes and with a quick smile she looks down at the files again. Conner notices the slight redness creep into her cheeks and he smiles to himself.

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