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When one day, one month,
one year passes
Will we be living different lives?
Not me
ーSoundtrack : Fine, Taeyeon


She lied. Jisoo lied.
When they asked her if she still love him.

Because honestly?
She was negotiating with her self to stop loving him.

To stop wanting him.
For he would never be hers. Never.

Earlier this afternoon, Jisoo met Namjoon on the usual coffee shop that they often go to talked about each other's lives.

She wanted to decline the offer but she can't resist him, especially when she see his smile and dimples showing on both side of his cheeks.

Kim Namjoon is beautiful.

And here she is again, waiting for his phone call at 2 a.m. Why? Well, because he promised her to call and probably Jisoo is the biggest fool for agreeing even if she knows that it will hurt her more. But, fuck everything of that. Jisoo wanted to hear Namjoon's voice.

Just like what she predicted, her bedside telephone start ringing again.



Both of their voice were hoarse. Just enough to make her heart flutter a bit.

"So, what's the matter this time?"
Jisoo sighed and Namjoon chuckled, he knows that she's rolling her eyes right now even though he cannot see her.

"Nothing, I just wanna talk to you."
Jisoo held her breath, she almost forgot. Almost fall for his trap. Almost forgot that he likes someone else.

Kim Namjoon is not only beautiful but he is also very dangerous.

"As if I'll fall for that, so tell me what?"
Jisoo regained her composure and fake a laughed. Namjoon also laugh with her. Shit. He's illegal.

"I'm serious."

"Don't fuck around, Joonie. I know you already."
Before she'd sets her hope again that it's possible for her to actually get him? She quickly turned it down.

I'm only saving myself for further pain. Jisoo thought.

"Okay, you caught me. But I really like talking to you though."
His deep voice doesn't sound fooling around. But of course, Jisoo knew it better.

She shifted her position to the other side and look outside her window.

The dark sky are full of stars and Kim Namjoon is one of those twinkling lights in the night, too impossible to reach.

Jisoo shrugged her shoulders and voice was void, perfectly hiding those emotions she feel towards him.

"Ah, what's that answer. Don't you like talking to me?"
Jisoo wanted to be honest, just this once. She want to tell him what she feels.

"I like talking to you."
To the point that I want you all mine. But that's impossible right?

She heard sheets rustling on the other line and the next sound was a loud thud. Jisoo can only shake her head, Namjoon is really a clumsy guy.

"Aish, let's change topic."

He laughed a bit.

"How's her?"
Jisoo pressed her palm at her eyes, biting her lower lip to muffle the curse word that she almost voiced out. What a fool. Stop hurting yourself stupid.

"She- she thought it was awkward."
She heard him hesitant, her eyebrows knotted in confusion.


"Because we've been friends for too long right? And she thought we're- urgh? How do I say this?"
Jisoo is getting impatient, what is wrong with Namjoon tonight? Usually, he's always straight to the point but tonight? He's lost for words.


A moment of silence had passed before Namjoon decided to answer her. Jisoo sat up from her bed and decided to go at her bedroom's balcony.

She opened the sliding door and cold wind touched her smooth pale skin. She rummaged a lighter on her nightgown's pocket as she light up the scented candle on her balcony.

"Well, she thought we're kinda a thing you know? She thought that I like you and so are you to me."
Jisoo froze from what she's doing, she almost choke from her own saliva.

What the hell?

"I mean that's impossible right? You won't ever like me."
He continued, not even giving her a chance to react and regained her composure.

"We're just friends."
Jisoo sighed, she's starting to hate that word. Fuck that, it's like there's an invisible wall between the both of them.

Friends. Well, Kim Namjoon? You don't have to repeat that all over and over again.

Honey Vanilla scent filled her nostrils as the smoke dance at the cold air of dawn. Jisoo stared at it for a moment, as she breathe deeply.

"Yeah... just friends."

Her index fingers drew heart at the coffee table, Namjoon hummed at Jisoo's gentle voice.

"Tell that to her, that we're nothing but just friends."

Silence filled on the other line. Jisoo is oblivious of what's happening. But Namjoon felt weird hearing that from her.

He simply stated.

The girl mumbled as she blowed the little fire on the scented candle. Be careful with fire, Jisoo.

The only thing they don't know is even if they're just friends? They have this weird connection every time they are near with each other. The feeling feels so suffocating that they can't help but to stay away, yet there's this invisible magnet that always drew them closer. Alluring the both of them like a prey.

The burning heat, the loud heartbeats, and the tingly sensations every time they'll accidentally touched.

Everything felt weird and dangerous. But unfortunately, Jisoo was the first one to fell on that trap without really knowing Namjoon's side.

She believes that they both don't want to mess it up, so they chose the safest way. To be just friends. Only friends.

2 am: K.JS ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang