Stranger •Billy Hargrove [and Cheryl]•

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•Crossover AU - Riverdale and Stranger Things•

Warnings: Foul Language/Cussing


Cheryl: "Wanna team up for a little distruction?"

Billy: "Always"

• • • •

Billy had released a breath of hot smoke from his lungs and watched it disappear into the night sky. He flicked his cigarette on the balcony and continued to smoke. At times like these, he really wished that his dad had never remarried and that they should have stayed in their old house. Instead of moving to this fucking dump of a town where his "sister" runs off with troublemakers playing pretend and his dad constantly abusing him. To take out his anger, he directs it towards Max but deep down inside, he's always felt sorry for her. Not that he'd ever want anyone finding that out. His cold exterior is a mere illusion to the broken man his soul truly is. In a way to cope with everything that's been happening, he would go out to parties, screw almost every girl that flirted with him and verbally abuse his stepsister. He let out another deep breath as his thoughts had escaped with it.

"Billy? What are you doing out here? The party's inside." He heard a voice behind him.

He sighed. All of a sudden, he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist suggestively and he groaned in annoyance, pushing them away.

"I don't want to go inside, leave me alone." He took another whiff of his cigarette.

"Don't be like that, baby..." The girl persisted.

"Just go the fuck away! I said leave me alone." He spat.

He heard the girl whimper before turning on her heels and slamming the balcony door shut. He groaned and hung his head down his forehead almost touched the railing. It was difficult when your hump and dumps become attached. He tapped his cigarette on the railing once more to watch the sparks fall to the floor. Now, he suddenly wasn't in the party mood. Why did Tommy invite him to this stupid party anyway? Why did he come? He was angry at his dad and decided to ditch and come here but if he was going to go home, now would be best if he didn't want to be caught unless he desired the punishment of his father. He didn't realize it but a single tear had rolled down his cheek until he wiped it away quickly. He sniffed and took another breath from his cigarette.

Suddenly, he heard a humming from his side. He turned his head to see the most sultry looking girl he had ever seen. She wore a skimpy party dress that showed much more skin than a Victoria's secret model and her cherry red lipstick complimented her dazzling red hair as well. It was as if all his desires he was searching for in a woman was brought into this one. The perfect tasting cake topped off with a beautiful display and decorations garnishing this masterpiece. His absolute favourite flavour, red velvet. This girl looked so beyond their time and completely different from any other girl he has ever seen. Her curvaceous and tempting figure sauntered over towards him and he had to pop his cigarette back into his mouth to stop himself from drooling. Her heels clicked against the balcony floor and her jacket was basically a furry carpet wrapped around her shoulders. She shivered into the carpet as she stationed herself right next to him.

"Pretty cold out here compared to the hot party inside." She stated breathlessly.

Her voice was smooth like butter but it had a hint of a cold expression. He could picture the way her lips moved delicately as she drew her words out slowly and strategically. With a gift like that, she could manipulate just about anyone. He didn't want to look at her as he still wanted to be left alone. He hoped that she hadn't noticed but the way she giggled made him realize that she could feel his uneasiness. He pictured a mischievous grin creep across her face as her fingers grazed the cold railing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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