Cruel punishment x reader

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"It's unfit for a Prince of Asgard to fall in love with a servant." Odin says harshly to Loki. "She's beneath you."

"Yes father." Loki says with a slight nod.

"This is a warning Loki. Don't let me catch you with her again." Odin says then walks away leaving Loki alone. Loki turns and walks back to his room. He opens the door and sits on the side of his bed. He runs his hands through his hair trying to figure out what to do. He puts his hand down on the table and pain shoots through it. He lifts his hand to see glass stuck into it.

"(Y/n)!" He calls.

"Yes my Prince?" A girl asks as she enters his room with her head down in respect.

"Please come here (Y/n)." He says to her gesturing from her to come stand in front of him with his unhurt hand.

"Yes my Prince." She says walking to stand in front of him like he gestured.
He gently holds his injured hand out for her to see. She looks at his hand for a moment before kneeling down and gently taking ahold of the back of his hand. Loki looks at her as she studies his injury. "This might hurt." She says. She carefully grabs the glass between her thumb and pointer finger and gently pulls it out. Loki's hand contracts and he takes in a sharp breath as the glass leaves his palm. "I'm sorry." She says. She puts the bloodstained glass in her pocket. She gently places her fingers at the base of his cut and slowly moves them over the cut. It heals when she touches it. Loki looks at her normally (Y/e/c) eyes as they softly glow (Y/f/c) as she uses her powers.

"Darling please look at me." He says. She looks up at him. Her (Y/e/c) eyes are intense but beautiful. He flicks his hand at the door closing it. He pats the bed next to him. She stands and sits down next to him. "Odin has been harsh lately, more then usual." She looks at him concerned. "Not abuse this time." Loki quickly adds. "It's just he seems to feel like I can control everything about me. He wants me to hold back how I feel, for someone."

"Loki your father has always been harsh but he dose love you." She says. "He must believe that it's for the best." She puts an arm around him. "It will work out I promise."

"And if it doesn't?" He asks.

"We'll figure it out when we get there." She smiles at him.

"Thank you (Y/n)." Loki leans over and hugs her.

"Any time Loki. Remember we'll fight together."


"Please let her go." Loki pleads. "'s not her fault. I tried!"

Odin glares down at Loki. His grip around (Y/n)'s neck tightens. Terror shoots through her eyes. "No I will not let her go. Yet it will not do to kill her. That won't teach you anything."

"Please don't hurt her." Loki begs. "Please."

Odin smirks at him. He takes his hand and puts it on the side of Her head. "Oh it won't hurt her. She just won't know better."

It hits Loki what Odin plans to do. "No."

Odin pulls his hand back and Loki watches helpless to do anything as Odin pulls Her memory from her. When he's done he drops her and she falls to her knees. "You have a minute to say goodbye." Odin says walking away with her memory.

Loki runs to her and grabs onto her shoulders. "(Y/n)?" He asks. She looks up at him he can see she still knows who he is.

"Loki?" She asks.

"Yes yes it's me I'm here." He says holding her face gently.

"What's happening?" Fear laces her voice. "I can't remember anything."

"It's alright just focus on me." He says. She reaches up and puts a hand on the side of his face.

"Please don't forget me." She says.

"Why would I? I won't I promise." With that her hand falls away, eyes glow
(y/f/c), and shut. When they open she searches Loki's face as though trying to figure out who he is. Tears come to his eyes knowing she doesn't know who he is.


"I.Im sorry sir but I have no clue who your talking about." She says. He breaks down and holds her tightly. He sobs into her shoulder. She stiffly rubs his back

"Come back to me." He whispers. Guards show up and lead Her away. Loki sits on the floor watching her be talking away from him for the second time in two minutes.

                  "Please come back."

822 words.

In the words of Loki himself

Well that's my first work I hope you guys like it!!

Oh and yes I stan
Tom Hiddleston/Loki. He's sooooo cute!!

Well that's all for now.

Bye. -Stans

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