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This was a request from my friend AJ or superwholockedgurl. Oh and lil Tom is Tom Holland and where it just says Tom that's Tom Hiddleston.
Tom looks out the window at the beautiful land. Its light in the beautiful
April sun. The car gives a sudden jerk, rolls to the shoulder of the road and stops. "What happened?" Tom asks.

"I think we blew the engine." Mark says. He gets out. "Yep the engine is toast." Everyone gets out of the car.

"Where are we?" Chris E asks.

"Uh it looks like we're in a place  called Heartwhick NY." Chris H says looking at his phone.

"Well at least it's beautiful here." Lil Tom says. (Tom Holland)

"I can't find a tow company." Mark says. "The others are coming to get us but it will be a while. We should find something to do." They agree and start to walk down the road.

"Hey how about that?" Lil Tom says pointing at a sign outside a small white building. It reads.

    The Heartwhick 4-H actors guild
           Narnia the Lion the Witch
                 and the Wardrobe.
  Friday- 7:00PM Saturday- 6:00PM
                   Free admission.

"What time is it now?" Chris H asks.

"6:54." Tom says looking at his watch. "I'm up for it."

Chris E nods. "Sure" Mark says.

"Let's go then." lil Tom says bouncing towards the building. They follow him into the little building. There's metal chairs for the Audience. The big red curtains are drawn across the stage, there's two cots at the base of the stage, a smaller black curtain sits off to the left with a fire place set in front of it, to the right is a huge box made to look like a wardrobe.

They find chairs just as the curtains are pulled back and two women stand up on the stage. A tall lean woman with blonde hair and glasses and a shorter plumper woman with brown hair and glasses.

"Hello everyone." The tall woman says. They introduce the play and tell about emergency exits and make jokes about it. "Thank you and enjoy."

The curtains close again and four children come out of the black currant. Two tall boys and tall girl and a shorter girl. Both boys have dark hair, the taller girl has brown hair and the smallest girl is blonde. Another girl shorter then all of them walks up to them. She's ethnic. "So you must be the evacuees." She says.

"Actually we're the Pevencees." The smallest girl says in a convincing British accent. The play goes on and they find out the taller boy is Peter, the shorter Edmond, the taller girl Susan, the shorter Lucy. As the play continues Tom thinks the girl playing Susan has the most convincing British accent.  They're all quite good actors.

The girl playing Mr Tumnas is quite good. Her short dark brown hair fits the part perfectly. She even portrayed fear perfectly as Maugrim ,also a amazing actress, dragged her away.

"But all this business about fauns and Witches and..." the boy playing Edmond is cut off by a harsh voice.

"Hold there! Tie the reindeer to that tree dwarf!" The harsh female voice yells. One of the first to not have a mic.

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