Between Faith and the City Lights. [ONE SHOT]

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before we get into this long awaited for one shot. I just want you all to know that it is basced off a song called 'Between Faith and The City Lights by Ellington (vid on the side of said song --->)

just to make it a bit easy to understand this oneshot there is a lot of lyrics, flash back and present day stuff so here are the codes so you dont get confused!

{im sorry if this is really crap written with so much more potental with what i wrote but i tried! if anyone likes it and wants to help me add things to it and actually make a full story out of it feel free and inbox me im all up for collabing with someone!}

Bold mean song Lyrics

Italic means Flashback

Normal means present day


It has been two years since the love of my life and band mate Hayley Williams broke up. I dont think there is a day that im not thinking about her, i dont think i will ever get over her.

Since breaking up paramore broke up to because Hayley didn't want to be in the same band with me, to be honest i have no idea why though because we ended things on a good note, it wasn't like you typical hardcore "i fucking hate your guts" ending, but i think the spark between us just ran out from the stress of constantly touring the world and being pressured to keep writing music but dont get me wrong i love writing but it was just getting a little too much with the record lable breathing down our backs in so she ran off with her new boyfriend..... Chad and Jeremy deiced it was best to stay around and watch his daughter grow up with his wife Kat that was basicly the end of Paramore.

I walked up stairs of my house.... well was OUR house, i walked down the hall way to the bedroom and sat on the floor next to the bed and dug my hands under it trying to feel around for a box, suddenly i hit it with my hand and grabbed with both hands and dragged it out. The box was brown and fairly big, on the top of it has "Taylor + Hayley' written on it. I smiled.

i opened the box and tilted it a bit so i could get my hands into it, i saw a piece of paper on top, i picked it up and smiled again. It was a page out of Hayley lyric book, i remember that day like it happened yesterday.....

I walked into the lounge of the recording studio and i saw Hayley looking like she was working hard on writting something at the table, i walked up behind her and put my hands around her wasit and leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"whatcha up to beautiful?" I asked smiling at her. She looked up and smiled back

"oh just a song" she said looking into my eyes, i leaned down and kissed her soft lips and pulled away

"can i have a look?" i asked 

"sure" she said and i took a seat next to her on the polished wooden chair that looks like it belonged in the dinning room. I looked at the title of the song and it was called 'My Heart' and so i read through the song. It was about her telling me that her heart is mine. I had to agree with the song she wrote because my heart is all hers too.

I looked over to her and she was looking out the window next to her as the heavy rain hit the glass and ran down it like a river. While she wasn't looking i picked up her pen and next to the lyrics i drew a picture of two stick people holding hands side by side and wrote our names about the people with a heart in the middle of us.

"I love the song Hayles" i said grabbing her attention, she looked back at me and then back down at the paper and gasped

"I love you so much Tay" she said and looked back at me and wrapped her arms around me and i hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2014 ⏰

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