Meeting for the first time

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I was about to meet the cast of IT and I've never been so nervous or excited in my life. I waited with my mum and sister when they finally arrived, my breath hitches in my throat as I made eye contact with THE Finn Wolfhard.

'He's more beautiful in real life' I thought aloud looking at the ground.

"Well thank you" A voice spoke up and I blushed realising he was in front of me. "I thought I'd come over and say hi" Finn smiled. My mouth opened and closed. "You know, you're pretty cute"

"T-thank you" I whispered blushing. He asked me what my name was and after I told him we took a photo together and then he signed a piece of paper writing something else also.

"Here you go" he winked handing me back the paper kissing my cheek whilst greeting everybody else and I opened the paper as he left.

'Hi beautiful, it was lovely meeting you today. Text me sometime ;)' and he left his number.

I blushed looking up finding him back in the crowd and I caught him staring at me biting his lip before he waved moving on as my family and I left smiling.

Finn Wolfhard imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now