Chapter 2: Runner

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Brian had been forced into a corner, while the final twenty seconds ticked down. With only seconds he needed to find a way out of this problem, however when he scanned the board nothing turned up. This was it he only had ten seconds left as he looked back up at his opponent, who now had a cocky smirk across his face, leaving Brian with only one last thing that he could do to pull off a victory in his eyes.

The boy placed his hand's on the side of the board that was now hanging slightly over the table, since being pushed from their quickness during the match. He looked up at the boy and stared him dead in the eyes.

"No I win."

In one swift movement, Brian pushed his hands up from under the board forcing all the pieces into the air, as they took flight and scattered about in the air. His opponent watched as the pieces bounced off the ground then looked up at Brian as his cocky stare turned into one of anger and his eyes became daggers that stabbed into Brian. Brian not wasting anytime threw the chair back as it fell over and banged against the ground and he started to run toward the set of doors he entered from.


The guards immediately went on full alert and turned their attention to Brian, watching as the boy hopped over tables and interrupted other players games. The guards now took immediate action and started swarming around Brian while forming up in a way that began to force the boy into the corner. He was running out of options as he watched the guards pull out their batons before they all pressed a button causing the batons to illuminate then crackle with electricity.


Around the room all the elite players stood up and pulled the neutrals to the ground and stood over them ensuring their captivity, while four of the guards were now pressing up against Brian with their batons crackling at their sides.

Making the first move, two of the guards swung at Brian who narrowly missed both of them only feeling the sparks bounce off his cheeks. The third guard moved in for an attack unsure of what to do, giving Brian an opening to make a move. He began to rush the guard who started to panic unsure of what he should do which left him at a stand still, allowing Brian to grab onto the man's arm with the electric baton and quickly snapped it back.

The sound of bones shattering rung out in the atrium as everyone's attention was now solely focused on the boy himself. The guard was now screaming at the sight of his disfigured arm and dropped the baton as his muscles slowly began to relax, however it provided Brian with the opportunity to have his own weapon and make it a fairer fight. Knowing it was his last chance, Brian bent over and swiped his hand toward the weapon and for once in his life his hand made contact with the handle giving him a better attempt at survival.

He reorientated the weapon in his hand while the fourth guard snuck up on Brian and raised his baton. Luckily for Brian a loose spark jumped from the baton and tapped him on the back of the neck, forcing him to instinctively twirl around and take the man by surprise. The guards body dropped to the ground as the baton sent volt after volt into him, which revealed the first two guards now moving in for another attack.

Brian cockily waved at the two guards as a ruckus broke out from the centre of the atrium distracting Brain and the two opposing guards. Looking out into the room the inmates who were being repressed had now turned on their superiors after being inspired by Brian's courage that brought them morale. They were now only moments away from this becoming a bloodbath as a new flock of guards were attempting to subdue the hyped up inmates only to be countered by the overpowering number of neutrals, and getting knocked to the ground as they continued to get jumped from every angle.

Turning back to the two guards behind him Brain activated the electric baton, while the two oblivious guards had become more focused on their fallen brother in arms. Seeing his last hope of opportunity slipping away from him, he knew he had to act fast. Not hesitating for a moment as the crackling of the stick came to life, Brian took a hurried step forward before feeling every muscle in his body lock up as it forced him to drop to the ground while his body continued to convulse.

His locked body hit the ground with a thud and he could see the two guards he had been facing high five each other when another guard walked over to Brian and grabbed the collar of his shirt. He still couldn't feel anything, as his body violently convulsed when it was dragged against the hardwood until the guard stopped at the small staircase of the stage.

Not caring for Brian's well being the guard continued to move forward up the stairs causing Brian's head to strike the edge of every step, which then dug into his ribs as he was pulled to the next one over and over again until he reached the flat landing. The guard however continued to pull him across the stage as a pair of dress shoes came into Brian's eye line.

"Look at this trash, everyone please turn your attention toward the stage."

The familiar voice of the announcer rung out through the bare white room as the fighting came to an abrupt stop, and the announcer was now the centre of everyone's attention as he paced around Brian.

"We'd like to remind you all what happens to you when you turn against the government," The announcer stopped behind Brian, unsheathing a ceremonial dagger that he had concealed under his blazer. "Put him on his knees."

The guards followed the announcer's orders as he pulled Brian up by the collar and lowered him to his knees.

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