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Chapter Four

CARDIFF WAS LOVELY. We’d rented a two-bedroom house off campus and I’d done a bang up job of decorating. Between twenty-four hour home furniture delivery and the miracle of internet shopping, Midgard had gotten so much more civilized since our last visit.

The human hadn’t shown up, and despite Ull’s protests to the contrary, I knew he was disappointed. We’d come all this way hoping to get a glimpse of the alleged love of his existence, and she was nowhere to be found.

It was obvious Ull was at his wit’s end three weeks later, when I caught him dodging a crowd of giggling co-eds.

“Come on.” I pulled my friend away from the hormonal horde. “I have something to show you.”

“What?” Ull dragged his feet.

“Stop it. I just got you those shoes.” Ull was going to scuff the exquisite Italian lace-ups I’d picked up on the internet. Shopping on Midgard in the twenty-first century was awesome.

“They’re shoes, Inga.”

“They are perfection in leather,” I corrected. “And just walk normally. You’re going to like what I have to show you.”

“Fine.” Ull followed me into the administration building.

“Good morning Inga,” called the receptionist. I’d been buttering her up all week.

“Happy Friday, Bianca.” I smiled. “May I please see that form you showed me?”

“You know I’m not supposed to release confidential information.” The receptionist glanced over her shoulder, fingering her glossy brown locks. “But, it really is the least I can do after those amazing cookies you brought by yesterday.”

“It was nothing. Here’s the recipe.” I produced a piece of paper, and the girl’s eyes lit up. Humans were so cute.

“Oh, thank you! I’m going to make these for my boyfriend this weekend!”

“He’ll love them,” I promised.

“I hope so.” She crossed to the counter with a piece of paper. “I’ll just give you a moment with this. If anyone asks--”

“I know. I found it on the floor and brought it to the counter without looking at it.” I winked as she scurried off.

“An enrollment form. Great Inga. How does this affect me at all?” Ull checked his watch.

“Well… have you looked at the form?”

Ull sighed and glanced at the paper. “New student paperwork. So what?”

His impatience was beyond frustrating. Was he really that dense? “Ull. Read. The. Form.”

With an incredibly inappropriate eye roll, he did.

What happened next was adorable.

                                                                 *  *  *  *

“Come on, doll. You have to tell me what he said.” Gunnar pulled the drapes across the doors that led from our bedroom to the tiny garden. Night fell later as the summer went on, and it was nearly eleven by the time we were done summarizing training sequences, approving attack plans, finishing our homework, and doing the dishes.

“I can’t.” I put my toothbrush down. “It would embarrass him.”

“Don’t hold out on me, Andersson. I have ways of making you talk.” Gunnar crossed to the bed and turned down the sheets. He patted the downy white comforter with a look that made my insides glow. “Get over here.”

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