Chapter 7: the palace

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When we got there, we got out of the sled and poked our heads in, and we saw a variety of the weirdest creatures.

"We are going to have to prepare. A lot" said Sophie, stunned.

"Yea," I said, equally as surprised. "We are."

"Well. I think we know what we have to do" said Sophie, walking to the sled.


"This place is huge. So it's going to take a long time to find the gem."

"Meaning we probably need a lot of food."

"Exactly what I was about to say"

"I have a lot of raw meat... but it's probably bad..."

"Nope. A small part of your bag is chilled."

"Really? Is there ANYTHING we cannot do?"

"Yep. We can't fly."

"Well, that's obvious."

"Good. At least you didn't think we could fly!"

"No. Why would I?!" I asked, confused

"I don't know." 

"Well, I'm going to go hunt to get more food."

"Well, hand me the food you have. I'll cook it."

I handed her the raw food I had and grabbed my sword. 

"Be right back. what should I look for?"

"look for wild boar."

"What else?"

Nah, that's it.

I left the sled and went to look for food. not two feet later, I killed a wild boar. Then I came across a patch of the most beautiful flowers. There were frosty blue, snow, and a deep blue that reminded me of ice. All shimmering as though they were covered in frost. I picked a flower of each color and went on my way. After I got done, I went back. As soon as I got back, I showed them to Sophie.

"Cool!" she said "these are snow flowers. there are different types of flowers for each place."

"cool, are they like collectibles?"

"Yea! wanna collect them?"


"ok, we're going to have to make the collector case."

"what do we need?"

"look for yourself. im kinda busy."


I looked in my bag and realized I didn't know what it was called. 

"what's it called?"

"biome flower collector case."

"k, thanks."

I looked in my bag and asked "how to make a biome flower collecter case. It appeared, and it was kinda complicated and kinda simple. "we need wood and glass. which requires sand, and a furnace, or fireplace."

"we have both. Here you go." Sophie handed me the sand and wood. I went inside, she had built an outdoor fire, and made the glass. Then I made the collectors case. It was HUGE! I set it down in the corner, and it became apparent that there were a lot. I went to put the ones I had found in, but realized that I had no idea what they were called! I went outside and asked Sophie.

"hey, safe? what are these called?"

she looked at each, and said: "White one is a snow flower, dark blue is an icy pond, and the light blue is a morning frost."

the gem of Thunder #1: the quest beginsWhere stories live. Discover now