Chapter 1

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Hi everyone here's the first chapter woooo! Hope you like it but be warned I have the tendency to curse like a sailor so there's a couple of bad words in here....sorry but it helps me get the point across! I mean yeah of course feedback would be great but you don't HAVE to comment (I'd love you if you did though) all I'm asking for is maybe some votes pleaseeeee(:

ANYWAYS...hope you guys enjoy ICHT and keep on reading my little Larry shippers!

Also I LIKE WRITING IN ALL CAPS...sorry not sorry ;)


Well, I guess I should start off by introducing myself...My name is Louis William Tomlinson, but the "s" in Louis is silent, and I happen to be in a band called One Direction.

And I am in love, that's right in love, with Harry Edward Styles.

If you asked me why I could go on for days; his emerald eyes that glimmer when the sun hits them in just the right way, his gorgeous curls that have just recently taken a natural spring once again, those dimples, oh my those dimples...and there's hundreds more.

Now I've never considered myself gay, not even bisexual. Sure there was that one time in grade 10, but I was drunk and so was he. I still in fact don't consider myself homosexual to any degree. The only feelings I have towards a man are for my Hazza Bear, no one else.

I have absolutely no idea if Harry is experiencing these feelings to, and that is the reason I haven't slept more than four hours a night the past three months.

I mean, I would hope he felt the same way...he always reciprocated my flirting and cuddling back on the X-factor so obviously he must feel something too...right?


Harry Styles does not love me, and I can tell.

Why else would he have introduced me to Melissa in the first place...he realized I was getting too clingy and that Melissa would be the perfect distraction. Don't get me wrong she is stunning, great personality too, its just that I don't have the same feelings for her as I do for Harry.

But Harry is straight and will never love me back...and that's what kills me.

Ususally Harry is bubbly and cheeky around me but lately he's been...different.

He doesn't seem to have that same playful smirk and I cannot for the life of me remember the last time he called me Boo. It almost appears he's distancing himself from me, but why?


"Mornin' Haz!" I say as I walk into the kitchen in OUR flat. Yep that's right, we live together...

He was sitting at the kitchen island in the center of the room wearing nothing but blue plaid boxers, making his incredibly toned chest completely visible. Why does he do this to me? The fantasies in my head that arise from this image of Harry, shirtless with bed hair, are undoubtedly not ones thought of by straight men...this is what Harry does to me.

"Good morning Louis" he replied, looking up from the newspaper he was reading.

"What are ya reading there?"

"Oh nothing, just an article about upcoming elections."

Odd, I think to myself. Since when did Harry give a flying fuck about what was going on in the world?

"Sounds...interesting." I say, hoping to spark a conversation.

"Yeah, it is." And with that Harry looked back down at the paper and took a sip of his coffee.

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