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"Why can't they stop shouting? Don't they want to hear the boys sing or do they just like to compete to see who shouts the loudest?" Stephanie grumbled.

I can't help but let out a chuckle at this. Though, I have to agree with her, if the fans came to actually listen to the guys then they should shut up. But I'm pretty sure some of them came to see the boys in person and looking for a chance to just touch them.

"They're called fans for a reason, Steph," I told her.


"Don't worry the show's ending soon," Rachel assured her.

"Doesn't make them shut up now, does it?"

"Someone's in a bad mood," I noted, slightly amused.

Steph just shook her head and said, "I'm going to go somewhere where there's no screaming people."

After she left, I peeked to see the boys still singing but this time they're doing a cover of Torn. All the guys were singing except Niall who was just standing and strumming along with his guitar. I wonder why he doesn't sing along to the chorus.

Lately, he isn't his happy self eversince he realized that he won'tdo much singing in their second album. He's putting on a happy face but we all know that he's just faking it. His emotions usually shows on his face. Most people could tell how he's feeling just by looking at him. The fact that he's not eating as much as he usually does confirms it.

I'm not really sure if it is really the management's fault that he's not really singing in the second album or the five them discussed it together. All I know is he's not really happy this past few days. He's not even singing along when they're doing rehersals except when the boys ask him to.

I miss hearing him sing like he usually does. I miss hearing the happiness in his voice especially when he start singing to songs he like like Bieber ones. He would just strum his guitar and sing out loud. But now, he would just sit down and strum his guitar be won't sing. He'll just watch the others with that wishful look in his eyes. Sometimes, he hums along but that's it.

I watched as Lou suddenly got up and went to Niall and made him sing along. Niall shot him a grateful smile. Louis gestured something to him but I couldn't really understand.

After the show ended, the girls and I packed up and waited for the guys in the car. Most people would expect the guys to leave in some kind of a limo. But the limo only took them around the corner where we wait for them. Then, they quickly switched cars so that the fans will go chase the limo instead. I pity the driver a bit but he doesn't seem to mind so much.

When we all got back to the hotel, the guys decided to watch a movie and knowing them, it's probably going to be something like the Notebook or Grease or even Disney. During the movie, I saw Niall snuck in his room. I debated wether or not I should go follow him but I don't want him to get any wrong ideas. Though I bet he won't even think like that especially not with me.

I felt Stephanie nudged me on my side and she gestured towards Niall's room. I raised an eyebrow in which she returned with a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes and shook my head slightly.

"Stephanieeeeee......" Louis suddenly whined to her. "I'm tired."

"Then go to bed," she told him, simply.

"Come with me?" he suggested with a mischievous grin.

"Nah, I'm good," she said, turning her attention back to the tv.

"Shut up guys," Liam told us, slightly annoyed.

Louis frowned for a while before standing up with that look in his eyes. Before I could warn Stephanie, he picked her up bridal style by surprise. She dropped the bag of chips she was holding in surprise and started trying to turn and make him let go. But they've gone out long enough for Lou to know when to hold his grip tighter.

"Louis, if I wake up with a bruise tomorrow, you are dead," Stephanie threatened him. He chuckled and missed her nose before she could turn away.

"Just humor him for tonight," Rachel said, amused.

We could hear Steph grumbled as Louis carried her to their room. Rach and I exchanged a grin before going back to watch tv. But I couldn't really concentrate on the movie since all I could think about was my sad leprechaun.

Finally, I stood up and decided to go check on him. I peeked in his room to see him sitting on his bed, moping, with a bag of nuts in his hand. I can't help but smile, typical Niall.

"Hey," I said, sitting on bed next to him.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Fine," he mumbled.

"No you're not," I was more of stating it rather than asking. "Niall, tell me what's wrong and don't lie, saying nothing's wrong or that you miss your family."

He sighed, "I just want to be a part of the band."

"You are part of the band," I told him. "Now that it is a band since you start playing guitar for them."

"I want to sing."

"Then sing."

"I can't," he said, sadly. "I'm just the guy that plays guitar."

"And a great one to," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

He didn't say anything but just lied down on the bed, putting the nuts on the side of the table. I noticed that there was still some nuts left and that was when I know how truly unhappy he is. I lied and cuddled up to him. He gently smiled at me but it didn't really reach his eyes.

"You could always sing for me," I told him, softly. "I'll be your one and true fan."

He smiled and brought me closer, "You're the best, Em."

"Sing for me," I told him and he did. He started humming softly at first until I urged him to sing something not just hum it. He started with a Bieber song that I didn't really recognized before singing So Sick. Sometimes, I sing along while others I just stayed quiet so I could hear his beautiful voice.


Tadaaa!!! A surprise one shot for my dear fans! This is dedicated to Emily who's a huge Niall fan and one of my best friends. Make sure you check out her stories ^_^

I've heard that Niall is not going to sing in the second album. Like what? He's part of one direction not their guitarist! Make sure you trend #LetNiallSing .

Also, the vid on the right is when.... JUST WATCH IT!!! Look at Niall!

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