FSF headquarters: Jbeini Prime

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The Office of the Director: Date:5609..17/09;

"Agent Chador, both yours and Agent Jones reports seem to be missing details on how you made the collection in such a sorry state. Would you care to explain?"

"We made it, Isn't that what matters?"

"Yes and no. You know Fleet doesn't like mystery's."

"Right, unfortunately I can't remember anything more than what's in the report."

"Right. Agent Jones told me the same thing."

"Is there any more you need from me Director?"

"No. Just keep an eye on your health. Our researchers still don't know what the combination of the drugs you took on mission might do to you in the long run."

"Of course director." Chador replied as she rose to leave.

"There's just one more thing Agent Chador." The director said as Chador reached the door.

"Yes director?" Chador replied stopping as she turned at the door.

"The next time you lie to me, make sure I don't know that you've lied." The director smiled.

"I'll try director." Chador smiled as she left the room.

Twenty Minutes later:

"What? You too?" Jones asked as Chador entered the meal room.

"Seems so." Chador replied. "By the way...What did you tell her?"

"The same as you I suppose. That I couldn't remember anything apart from what I put in the report."

"Right...so what did she say when you told her that?"

"That I shouldn't lie, or that I should make sure that she doesn't know I lied if I do. Why? What did she say to you?"

"The same thing..."

"That's interesting."

"So, the question is...what exactly does the director know and how does she know it?" Chador sighed.

"Both of those are interesting questions... But I have a better one for you." Jones smiled.

"And what's that?"

"Well, if the director knows we lied on our reports, and she knows what we lied about...why are we still here?"

"You mean why do we still have our jobs?"


"Now that is and interesting question..."

The FSF Directors Office:

Reaching across her desk the director flipped open her coms unit.

"Yes." Came the immediate response.

"It's just as you said. They both lied in their report and in the interview."


"And theirs no doubt they're both superb agents."

"So, you agree with their decisions to leave out the fact that Qwonin supports what appears to be sentient life?"

"Definitely. If that were to get out, along with the fact that those self-same creatures were capable of producing something that affects the crystals who know what damage that would cause in the long run."

"Agreed...although what worries me more is the fact that the L.N.E had base on planet to begin with."

"Agreed, however we already knew that they were actively pursuing research into the Delrani culture and its colonies worlds." The Director nodded at the screen.

"True. But what's more concerning is that this all appears to be a direct result of Elisha Quanta, Agent Chadors, original research paper I thought we'd buried seven years ago."

"Agreed...I thought that too." the director huffed.

"Apparently we weren't as effectively as we thought we were."

"Apparently... So, what do you want me to do now?"

"Nothing except perhaps keep an eye on them both. Although, if you're really concerned I do have ab alternative solutions to the problem."

"Not interested...we need them...I doubt that anyone else would have located the L.N.E base on Qwonin or the existence of the sentience creatures there. Besides, wasn't it your idea to pass Agent Chador the Delrani artefact in the first place? You know, the one that almost got her killed?"

"No comment."

"I thought so. Anything else?"

"Yes...have the agents reports sent to me within the hour."


"Good. Just one more thing before you go. Remember, Elisha Quanta wasn't the only one sent an Delrani artefact ten years ago, although she was the only one to survive the experience."

"Which unfortunately only goes to prove that you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs."

"Hum. Then since this egg survived let's not kill the new goose before it lay's a few golden eggs of its own, shall we."



Multiverse Q2572, Quadrant: LA072:276:664, Sector: VX986:443:465 Planet: AA001 Qwonin: Date: 5610...14/03

The FSF starship John NOTTING emerged out of N-Space six light minutes from the planet Qwonin at edge of the Delhora star system. Shimmering into existence, it moved into the system dropping a probe at of the three outlying planets before proceeding inwards towards Qwonin.

One light minute from its destination it stopped, dropping three large shuttle craft, before heading back out of the system and into N-Space where it resumed its outward journey of exploration.

"Roger Notting, message received. See you next year."

"Roger survey team, be safe."

"Will do, and don't worry Agent Jones and the team will have the bases defences dug in and ready by the time you return to the moon."

"Roger that...Happy digging."

"Roger that. And give my regards to the director. I've always wanted a research posting."

"I will Agent Chador, I will. Have fun."

"Always...After all what more could a girl want of her punishment than to spend time researching something that once almost got her killed."

"That's the spirit Agent Chador. Notting out."

"Roger Notting... Chador out."

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