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1. Make sure ALL of the requested information is filled (obviously the optional parts of the form doesn't need to be filled in), any incomplete forms will not be accepted.

2. Speaking of forms being accepted, it is my trailer shop, meaning, I get to pick which trailers I wish to make, so please don't take offense if I decline your trailer; more likely than not trailers will be accepted, however, if I feel as though I am unable to make a trailer up to scratch then I will not.

3. BE PATIENT. Any messages/comments containing 'when will my trailer be done?' or anything along the lines of that, then I will no longer continue to make the trailer, different factors come into play:  my schedule , time it takes to make the trailer, difficulty, finding clips etc. The waiting period could be anywhere between 1-3weeks, sometimes, however, if I am free then it will be done sooner.

4. Comment ON THIS PAGE. Or message me. Any other request placed somewhere else will be ignored.

5. PAYMENT: a simple follow and credit if you decide to feature the trailer in your book.


TITLE: (of your book)


MOOD: (theme of book)

SUMMARY: (brief overall of what the book is about)

CHARACTERS: (what celebrities you wish to portray your fictional characters - MAX: 5 characters)

SONG: (what song you want to play with your trailer)

TEXT SLIDES: (what you want said on the text slides of your trailer)

SPECIFIC CLIPS: *OPTIONAL* (any particular clips you want featured in your trailer; could leave a link or just explain what you want added)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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