Hanging People

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Kendra: Hey wanna come over I'm just baking cookies🍪

Nolan: Nah I'm good, I was gonna hed to the forest wanna come?

Kendra: There was a person who hung the self there though and I don't wanna see that!

Nolan: I'll be there with you nothing will happen.

Kendra: That's what they all say and then they either come out creepy or the don't come out at all so please just stay home or come here!

Nolan: You're such a baby Kendra!

Kendra: I am not!

Nolan: Then go with me!

Kendra: Fine...

                                                                                *FOUR HOURS LATER*

Kendra: Where the hell are you!?

Kendra: I'm going to the forest if you're not at my house in 20 minutes!

                                                                                    * 30 minites later*

Kendra: Where the hell a-

Nolan: Hahahahahahahaha

                                                           *Kendra2606 and Nolan9902 went offline*

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