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  My mind was on replay since my conversation with Evan over an hour ago. Even though he was a complete ass to me, I know I shouldn't have brought up Caitlin. I wasn't a malicious person, I honestly don't know what came over me. Since then, I had told Ryan I needed a nap before we went to the party due to my sudden 'migraine'. 

  It was now 8:30pm and everyone was currently downstairs pre-drinking before the lake party that Evan had got us invited to. I wasn't really in the mood to face Evan, never mind attend a party where he is one of the only people I will know. 

I let out a small grunt before standing up and rubbing my hands down my sundress to try get the crinkles out. I looked like a mess and even if I wanted to go, I couldn't. There was no way I could get ready in 30 minutes, that would be a disaster. 

  It was show time. 

  I heard laughing and low music coming from the room on my right as I reached the end of the stairs. As I entered, they were all sitting around the kitchen table except for Evan. 

  "Hey babe." Ryan greeted me as I walked in, standing up and walking over to give me a peck on the nose. I gave him a small smile before tucking a strand of my loose hair behind my ear. "Is everything okay?" He gets so concerned sometimes.


  "You are so uninvited if you're wearing that to the party." I heard someone say from the table. I looked over Ryan's shoulder to see who said it. I seen Emily sitting at the table, sipping from a plastic red cup. "Some of us have a reputation to uphold."

  I was about to respong to her when April interfered. "At least she is wearing some clothes." Ryan and Jake started to snigger as Emily got up from her seat and stomped out of the kitchen. 

 I tried my best to bite back my smile but I just couldn't. "Thanks for that!" Letting a small laugh escape as I smiled at April. It's good to know that she has my back.

  "Did you see what was wearing?" April started to giggle uncontrollably. 

  "Or lack of." Jake decided to join in. 

  My eyes drifted to where Evan was leaning against the fridge, not bothering to pay attention to what was going on around him. I hadn't noticed him when I first entered. My stare obviously lasted longer than necessary as his head snapped towards me. 

  I could tell me was still pissed, that much was obvious. 

  I interrupted the ongoing laughs between Jake, Ryan and April. "Guys, I think I'm not going to go tonight. I still have a killer migraine and I don't want to ruin anybodies night." 

  "I'll stay with you." Ryan pulled me into a side hug and kissed my forehead. 

  "You guys can't leave me with Jake." April protested, giving us the best God damn puppy dog eyes I had ever seen. I was defiantly going to ask her how she mastered that. 

   Jake looked confused for a second before standing up and placing his hands on his hips. "Hey, what the hell is wrong with me?" 

  Just then Emily re-entered the room. "The way you're dressed for one." She muttered before grabbing her purse that she had left behind from the kitchen table. "I'll be waiting in the car babe." She went to kiss Evan on the cheek before walking out but he moved away. "Whatever." 

  "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Jake looked at all of us expectantly. 

   Without answering him, April turned to us again "Please come to the party?!" 

  I felt bad not going but honestly, drunk Ashley plus guilty feelings is not a good mix. "Ryan will go with you. Right, babe?" I turned to him and gave him a smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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