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"That Joe guy a very sweet guy." we headed home,"Ha! You don't know the real him." I looked out the window,"He's very sweet,Demetria." my mom glared,"If you say so." I got out of the taxi and headed to my bedroom,I slammed my bedroom door. 'DEMETRIA STOP SLAMMING THE GOD DAMN DOOR." My dad yelled,I opened it up and slammed it again.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO BREAK THIS HOUSE DOWN!?" he yelled again,"IF I DID,WOULD WE GO BACK HOME?" I yelled,"No." my mom said,"UGH." I flopped on my bed,crying,I want to go home. 

I cried so much,I cried myself to sleep.


"Demetria,up. Now." my mom barged into my bedroom,I groaned,"I want to sleep." I held onto my pillow,"Not today." my dad took me by my feet and pulled me out of bed,"The fuck?! Have you gone mad!?" I looked at them,mad. "No,we don't want you to sleep your day." my dad said,"We'll come back in a minute,you better be downstairs." my mom glared.

I rolled my eyes,I got up and headed downstairs,"I came down because I wanted to,not because I had to." I flipped my hair and  sat down, Steven placed eggs on my plate along with bacon,"Steven,no bacon for her. I want her to be healthy." my mom said.

"SCREW THIS." I got up,"It's just bacon! It was just sweet tea! I don't want to look like a fucking barbie,mom! I have curves,I like my body,mom!" I rolled my eyes,suddenly the doorbell rang,"I'll get it." I headed to the door,"Man,not now!" I lashed at Joe,"Whoa,sorry..." he chuckled,"Wanna go to the carnival with me?" he asked.

"You think I want to go with you? You're funny." I laughed,"C'mon..I want to go,but my friends don't want to go."  he begged,I sighed,"Fine,only because I can sort of stand you more than my parents,stay out here,while I get ready." I shut the door and headed upstairs,I  went to my bedroom,I slipped on a multicolored aztex crop top,with black jean shorts and black vans,I did my makeup real quick and slipped on a watch and some earrings. I put my hair intil a ponytail,then I put my stuff in a little purse,I headed downstairs.

"See you later." I headed outside,"Stop smiling,I'm going only because they were getting on my nerves." I slipped on my sunglasses,"Sure." he chuckled. I got in his car. He drove to the carnival,"Can we get food when we there?.." I looked at him,"Why? Princess didn't like what she had for breakfast.

"No,my mom took away my bacon so I protested that I wouldn't eat it." I crossed my arms,he glanced at me,"Keep your nasty eyes on the road,he chuckled and turned,"What you doing?" I asked,"You'll see." he smiled,"Why do you smile all the time?" I looked at me.

"I like to smile." he chuckled,I rolled my eyes,he pulled into a McDonald's,"Joe.." I sat up,"You need to eat.." he pulled into the drive thru,"What do you want?" he asked,"A Big Mac,medium fries and a sweet tea.

Joe ordered for me,then he drove to the next window and paid then he handed my meal,I smiled a little,"Thanks.." I started eating,"No problem." he nodded,"You really shouldn't of paid..or done this..." I looked at him,"Why not?" he kept his eyes on the road,"Because I got money and I'm a 'spoiled brat'." I air quoted,he chuckled,"Well...oops."  he stopped at a stop light,I sipped my tea,then I finished my Big Mac,so I started eating my fries.

"You eat like a man." he smirked,"That's not what your girlfriend says." I said with a smirked,he started laughing,"That's a good one,Lovato." he continued driving. I smiled a little,he turned on the radio.

"I don't know about you
But I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright
If you keep me next to you." he sang,awfully.

"You suck at singing." I looked at him,"I do not." he smiled,"Have you heard yourself?!" I looked at him,"Yeah,I sound better than Taylor Swift." He pulled into a parking space,"That may be true..but..you still suck." I got out and threw away my McDonald's bag in a trash.

A Different Summer. [Jemi]Where stories live. Discover now