Gamers Love

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"YOU DIED" the screen said in buldging, red, letters. Zach slammed the controller on the floor. "Zach, honey." His mom came in, "You need to do your homework!" Zachs sister, Amy, walked by. "And clean your room! Gee... it's a pigstye in here!"
"I'll do those things later, I need to finish the last level!"
"Fine. Just do them when your done."
Zach spent the rest of the day just playing video games
He face planted into his pillow. Ready to go to bed. Then, He heard a conversation between his mom and his dad outside the door.
"Im afraid, Tom."
"Honey, There's nothing to be scared of."
"But there is. I'm scared for him."
"Because! He's being a slob. He's not succeeding at school. All he does is play video games! Whenever we hide the console, he just finds it!"
"Tomarrow. We'll get rid of him." "Tomarrow!"
Zach felt tears in his eyes. He tried to sleep. But his parents!
He decided not to worry about it. But he couldn't help it. He went to bed.

Next day at school, he had a lot on his mind. He sat in his chair. Bummed. Depressed. Confused. Angry. Emotions.  flew in and out of his mind.
He couldn't focus at all in classes. The words, "get rid of him." Flew around his head.
This was the first time he felt sad enough that even his games couldnt even fix him.
He felt his heart pumping. Him breathing Heavily. It was impossible to rest. His heart. His breath.
He thought he was beyond repair. Until he met her. The One. The some body who could fix him.
She looked nice, she was kinda pretty too!
She sat down next to Zach.
"Hello. What's your name?"
Zach got quiet.
"Um... h-hi im- uh... my- no. Uh..."
Vanessa  giggled.
"Oh god..." Zach thought "hope I don't sound like a total LOSER to her..."
"You shy?" Vanessa spoke.
"Uh, yeah..."
"Well, I was kinda shy when I got here."
"Hey loser!" A kid shouted at Zach.
Zach looks over and gets hit in the face by a ball.
He fell to the floor and the others laugh.
Everyone except Vanessa.
"Oh, are you okay?"
"Ugh, yeah, I-I just kinda got hit and, it really hurt-"
Zach looks up and sees Vanessa.
"Uh, I, got to go!"
The next day, he woke up in his bed, but it wasn't really his bed. It was creaky, not like his bed.
"What happened?" THEN he realised, he's been sold. He started to cry, but then got a text:

Listen here, kid. DUMP your crush or you'll be sorry, okay? Or else... We'll go to your house, (YES. We know where the orphanage you live in is. LMAO) and give you the beat down of your life.

You better watch out.

He was already sold, now he's being blackmailed? He couldn't handle this any more. He went to school, and started to do despicable things to Vanessa. She didn't know him anymore. He told her friends how evil he was. He felt bad for her, but he couldn't say a word. It was just a big, secret that he couldn't tell anyone.


He couldn't take it anymore. He decided he would confess. Nothing's stopping him. He left a note on her desk.

Please meet me in front of school after classes.

She waited for him, and waited, and waited, when she thought it was a prank, he stood there.
She turned around.
"Listen, I know you're probably disgusted by me. I am sorry. Period. And I-I wanted to ask you something..."
She gasped.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
He smiled and hugged her tightly.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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