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"Good news. The Kouhage clan have agreed to a meeting."

Less than a week later, Sasuke was presented the auspicious news by his father at dinner.

"What does this mean for me?"

Taking his time to finish his mouthful of rice before choosing to answer his son, Fugaku set down his rice bowl on the table as he glanced at his son sitting to the right of him. Directly across Fugaku, Mikoto sat silently, listening to what fate would befall her son.

"It has been agreed that you, your brother, and I shall accompany Madara-sama as representatives of the clan and meet with the Kouhage in their own domain," said Fugaku curtly. "They have so kindly offered us a place to stay while our families deliberate on what outcome would be best for both of us. In the case we are unable to come up with a compromise, we can expect our leave to be cut short. However, if we do end up coming up with something... we can expect to be there much longer."

"And how long do you think we'll be there for?"

"In case of success, we could be there for a few days, a week at the most. Make sure you pack some good clothes as well. You never know which one of you could be walking away from the Land of Rivers with a brand new wife."

Sasuke's scowl was evident as he digested his father's words, stomach twisting at the possibility of having to take on a wife he knew nothing about. Although his brother's marriage had been arranged as well, Itachi and Izumi had known each other since childhood, and they were one of the lucky couples who actually liked each other. As for Sasuke... well, he would just have to wait and see.

He dearly hoped the responsibility would fall into Madara or Izuna's hands.


"No doubt their scouts have alerted the head about our arrival."

Upon crossing the border into the Land of Rivers, the Uchiha envoy immediately sensed the presence of others, watching them from the shadows. Having left the compound later than expected, the quartet found themselves falling behind schedule as they made it to the designated land just after the sun had set, with more ground to cover before they could arrive at the Kouhage clan's place of residence.

"With all due respect, Madara-sama, but do you think it is wise for us to continue travelling towards their home in the dark?" asked Fugaku, looking around warily at his surroundings. "No doubt they will think we're up to something if we suddenly approach their dwelling in the dead of night. We don't want any unnecessary altercations en route."

"Hmm. I don't think that it would be that much of a problem, but I suppose we don't want to turn up on their doorstep tired and worn out. Shall we stop here and set up camp? We're only a few hours away from our destination; if we leave at daybreak we can make up for our late departure."

"Sasuke and I will take first watch." Itachi bowed to Madara as he volunteered himself and his brother to be the first night guards, earning a nod from his father. "Please, rest with our father first."

"Very well. Wake us up in four hours."

"Yes, Madara-sama."

As Madara and Fugaku set off to find a suitable place to rest for the night, Sasuke dropped his own bag to the ground, sitting down beside it.

"What's troubling you, little brother?" asked an amused Itachi as Sasuke looked up at the night sky with a glum expression on his porcelain features.

"What are the odds of me being the one to marry her?"

"Well, at this point it's a fifty-fifty situation." Itachi plopped himself next to his little brother, crossing his legs in the same manner. "You have to remember, there are different possibilities. The first one being, the clan leader has a daughter, and is willing to have her married into our clan for the sake of an alliance. In that case, Madara-sama or Izuna-sama would be obliged to take her.

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