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You treat me like
I was in love again
And I hold you tight
And I never let you go

But you belong to someone else
I will not have you
Now or never
In my wildest dreams

Today is the best day of my life
I broke my own heart
The best shock that ever happened to me
Is like I never existed in her life

Like she'd just met me
A cold shoulder she gives
Saying she's gone back to her love

Saying she'd hurt him
That she pities him
As if I had an iron heart
That never felt pain
Like my feelings were frozen

She slid back to him
All the time I spent with her
Didn't mean shit!
I was only but for

No, am not hurt
Only mad at myself

As I hold my pen
As ink licks my paper
As I remember her
As her image flashes

I feel the deepest
Imaginable pain
Pain that feels real
Not a fantasy

Am hurt
I hurt myself
Since she can't own
The shit she did

I lied to myself
And she's the saint
We were never in love
Is like I was a Shepherd

Keeping her safe
And never make her feel lonely
And alive
Till he'd return
Now she's gone

And am here
Solo ride
With a sad heart

Broken HeartsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ