Chapter Four

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"Mom is that you?"

"Yes I've missed you so much"

"Why were you in there? Where did you and my brother go?" tears began to fall down Destiny's face.

"It was your father..."

"What do you mean it was my father"

"Destiny, what did he tell you?"

"He told me that you guys had died by drowning on the beach one day" Destiny looked at the floor.

"No Destiny, he killed me" the smoke began to flare and looked like flames, they began to swirl.

"No, he couldn't have. Why? He loved you" She said in disbelief. The smoke shrunk and looked as if they were bowing in sorrow.

"He was an evil man" She scowled "I had to save you and your brother I, managed to get your brother out but I couldn't get you away"

"He's alive where is he?" her eyes widened at the thought of seeing her brother again.

"I do not know, I sent him to Raigan on the first island of Mattelli but for you, I couldn't get you away so, I had to put a charm on that locket I gave you. It has a protection spell on it so he could never hurt you."

"but mom, why did he kill you?" She cried.

"I found out that he had done awful things to a wonderful woman I knew and when her husband found out your dad killed him. I told him I would go to the raiders and that's when he attacked me. I managed to get away but he trapped my soul in the pendant you wear around your neck"

Destiny was on the floor in tears and Luna hugged her tightly. Luna looked up at the pink smoke "You were trapped in there the whole time? How can we save you?"

"There is no way, I'm already dead, but you can save my little boy. I know he's alive I can feel it. Please find him in Raigan. Thank you, I love you Destiny and tell your brother I love him"

The smoke flew into the light shining through the dirty window and vanished."No mom wait" Destiny's face hardened. "We have to find him"


"Please Luna, you have to help me find my brother. I can't trust my friends. You've met them, please help me" tears were dripping down her face, her eyes pleading.

"But what about my family, I can't just leave them"

"I can't leave the kids here with Ravanna either, who knows what she'll do to them" She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. Luna watched her as she imagined all of the awful things she would do.

"Well Luna, why doesn't your family move in here and take care of the kids? Problem solved"Cobin said from the doorway. Destiny's tears stopped as she lunged at Cobin.

"Who are you?" her eyes narrowed. Destiny grabbed his collar and flung him against the wall "How long have you been standing here?" She tightened her grip and he held his hands up in surrender "I thought you had noticed me" She let go of him and he went back to a relaxed stance.

Luna stood up and walked over to him "What did you see?"

"Nothing really, just some pink smoke talking about being killed and sealed in a pendant and a dead son that is actually alive" He shrugged then smiled"So how about my idea?"

Destiny looked at him "you aren't involved in this" her eyes flicked to Luna "It's not a bad idea" Luna caught a glance of his smirk and rolled her eyes.

"What about Ravanna, she still runs this place?"

"We could change that" Cobin suggested and Destiny smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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