The Ritual (Dereik Sembeaighiah)

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I sat down under the old willow tree thinking of the girl Serenity Summers

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I sat down under the old willow tree thinking of the girl Serenity Summers. The way she kept insisting on seeing me was odd. I kept thinking how beautiful she was.

She wore her hair down in a wavy motion. She had a pink dress with white polka-dots. The dress was loose flowed down towards her knees. She had simple black high heels. It is not like she needed it. I was so deep in thought I did not realize Johnathon Wikkle was standing there in front of me.

Johnathon Wikkle has turquoise eyes, blonde hair, he is roughly five six. Today he wore ripped jean shorts, and no shirt despite the chilly weather. He has been my best friend since kindergarten. He knows all my deepest darkest secrets. I could talk to him for hours at a time and still trust him. Johnathon recently joined the Blackened Rubies.

The blackened rubies are one of the twelve main gem protectors. The rubies' job is to protect the secrets of man and to balance the boundaries of the mortal to immortal. The group allows only the chosen ones to come within the boundaries. The dead can come into the immortal world only if they prove themselves worthy. If the dead are not worthy, they are sentenced to a trial that the blackened rubies perform. No mortal knows about the gem protectors unless they were part of the group.

The twelve main gem protectors consist of the Blackened Rubies, Moonlit Pearls, Burnt Emeralds, Sapphire Stars, Midnight Onyx, Fire Opals, Moonstones, Broken Ambers, Diamond Crystals, The Serpentines, Snowflake Obsidians, and The Smokey Quartz. Each of the gem protectors protects their queen, except the queen, has been trapped the ice crystal for over three thousand years. The blackened rubies failed to protect her.

Each of the gem protectors has a spirit animal, just as a school has a school mascot. The mascot for the Blackened Rubies is the dragon. The dragon symbolizes luck and strength. It is very rare to see a dragon in the mortal world. The moonlit pearls' mascot is the goat; the sacred goat represents unity. It is very common to see a goat in the mortal realm. The burnt emeralds team mascot is the night howler representing loyalty and faithfulness. The sapphire stars have the white horse representing forging ahead. The midnight onyx has shadow rooster that only comes out at night. The shadow rooster represents confidence and luck. The fire opals have the fire ox was their team mascot. The fire ox represents the industrious side of the gem protectors. It also represents business and strength. The moonstones' mascot is the pig. The pig is in charge of the oracle. The pig represents amiability and luck. Some say that if the pig dies so does the future. Next the Broken Embers' mascot is the Tiger representing boldness and bravery. The Broken Embers is in charge of the immortal military base. They represent the strength and truth of the gem protectors. The ninth gem protector is the diamond crystals. The rat represents them as it also stands for wisdom. The Diamond Crystals protect the elders. They give advice that no other soul can give. The tenth gem group is the serpentines. The serpentines are a very flexible group they are quick with magic so their leader is the snake. The eleventh gem protector is the snowflake obsidian which is defined by the jackrabbit. The jackrabbit stands for caution and alertness. The obsidians have visions of the past, present, and future which the moonstones can only see the future. Last but not least, the smoky quartz. Their leader is the monkey. The monkey stands for changeability. The smoky quartz can shapeshift into your deepest, darkest fear. They can look into your soul and use your fear against you if you let them. They bring out the truth inside of you.

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