Chapter 3

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" You know the night time, darling

  Is the right time 

With the one you love, now "

Ray Charles


1962, Saturday, San Francisco

"Where were you early Friday morning?"

For some reason his words make me shiver. 'I beg your pardon?'

"I need to get a statement from you." After all, he is trying to understand me.

"At work if you must know. I help my patients to manage any long-term mental health condition."

The sheriff takes a deep draw on his cigar knowing nothing good will happen to him is he insists with this case mostly because it was a suicide and my dear family won't let me go to jail.

"Do you have evidence to support your statement?" the sheriff takes a deep breath and then squares his shoulders.

"Gloria was with me. Feel free to ask her."

"Forensics came up with nothing. Not a thing, as I'm sure you already know. Your patient wasn't exactly clean either so the case is closed."

I hang up the phone after that, letting the silence speak for me. No one had seen anything but Gloria did call the police.

I go back to bed and half an hour later there's a knock on the door.

"Rot in hell." I take a deep breath, settle myself. There's a bitter stain in the center of my chest.

Another loud knock on the door agitates me. So I open the champagne bottle next to my bed and drink some.

The telephone rings again. So I just drink more champagne from the bottle and then rub my mouth.


"Why is my daughter acting like a retarded? Working in that hospital made you forget where you come from. Women in our family do not work."

"May all your educated guesses be correct, mother."

"Your father and I insist that you suspend that escapade of yours and come home right away."

Have you ever felt rejected by those closest to you?

I have another sip of champagne. It tastes like I'm not going to work tomorrow.

"Mark Hyra is anticipating your presence at his annual happening on Monday at 7pm. He will be disappointed if you do not make an appearance."

Dick is everywhere but it's been a long time since I last visited my own parents.

"Mark is a good, honorable man interested in you after everything you have done."

That's not good enough for me but she doesn't sound convinced.

"So was Frank and Terry yet they committed suicide."

I make men fall like dominos.

"Bernard will be there to pick you up at 6pm. Be ready. Your family misses you."

Isn't it more fun when you don't have permission?

"Goodbye, mother."

Obviously, I do not need a third marriage for eight months. No ifs, ands, or buts. 

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